Chapter 31

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After Yassop had frantically came running out to the deck, gasping for air, pale in fright and a wild expression of surprise in his eyes as he deemed Captain's bedroom now as a sacred place that only happened once in every 5 life times, the rest of the crew ( including Ben who also wanted to see what all this fuss was about ) decieded that if this sight was indeed such a sacred sight they should silently sneek a glance into it. 

And that was exactly what they did with Yassop in the lead with Ben followed closely after erasing the noise that he and the rest of the crew made, to make sure that his captain didn't wake up from it. ( Although he was sure Shanks sensed it yet chose to ignore it or was too familiar with it or sensed that it cared no malious intent, Ben knew the red haired man too well, after all he had spent almost half of his life with the reckless idiot )

Soon after they one by one witnessed the beautiful, heavenly, divine and holy sight in front of them all seemed to have differnet reactions, varying between gasping, paling, crying, silently wailing in happiness, having a nosebleed from the cuteness of the young child, taking a picture to fainting while holding their heart with a content smile. 

Ben simply smiled knowingly leaving his best friend enjoy peace with the child that reminded Ben so much of the young baby Sebastian ( Ben was sure that Shanks didn't seem to have found out why he was drawn to the young kid so much, other than his bright personaility and charm). With one last glance at this lifelong friend's peaceful smile he motioned the others to retreat, while pulling/dragging the unconciouse ones by the collar, from the red hair's room, before he ordered that no one even step 10 meters near the captain's room. Those who did would be tossed into the water and made to swim to the next island. 

The Akagami pirates knew without a sliver a doubt that what Ben was saying would come true and happen if they disobeyed his orders, so they all scurried off to do their daily chores.

 They all all witnessed what the smartest man in all of east blue could do to his enermies until they begged for mercy out in the battle field.

They had all seen just how cruel, bloodthirsty and merciless the man could be when it came to the safety of the crew and the captain. 

Some even called him the devil's incarnation. 

So in conclusion, they were to scared to disobey his orders. 


The readers just have absolutley no idea how surprised/ shocked the red haired man had been when he had awakened just before sunrise, just before one of his crewmates barged in to ' wake' him up. 

The readers don't know just how much of his strength it had taken for Shanks to not scream like a little girl and faint right there and then at the sight of Cloudy snuggling close to his chest, arms over his body and fast asleep. 

The readers had no idea just how much self control it had taken the man to stop panicking and to lie down and relax and even after he had done just that, it had taken him about a good half an hour before the whole thing didn't give him a heart attack. 

Then it had taken him another half an hour to fall into a semi consiouse state, pulling the younger boy closer, feeling the thumping of the boy's heart to be just so calming and reasurring that he was alive.... something he had done to his own boy....

And if he was being honest Shanks had no idea why he was feeling this protective, nurturing and playful around the young boy. 

He didn't know why when he was around this young child, Shanks wanted to show the whole world to him. 

Shanks didn't understand this feeling of wanting to protect this child, whom he didn't even know the name of, even if the whole entire god damned world was against him. 

He just couldn't. 

Where was his teacher/ captain/ friend when he needed them?? 
Well he did know the answer to that queastion but it was a rheotrical queastion. 


Warmth coated all his body as Sebastian felt as if he was laying on the most fluffiest cloud. 

The steady beat near his head somehow sounded like an oath sworn by someone to protect, guard and love him. 

The hand running through his head felt ever so relaxing that it lulled him to sleep over and over. 

All Sebastian felt and could feel was the content feeling that he was loved, cared and was safe, sheltered and under the wide, generouse, loving and big shelter of someone's wings. 

Was this what those children with parents had felt like all the time? 
Overfilled with love? 

But at the moment he really didn't want to think about such depressing thoughts. 

Whatever it wasy, it didn't matter in teh moment that he was feeling ever so protected and guarded. 

All Sebastian could do in his uncounciousness was to cling closer to this source of feeling, heat and love that he was desperate to recieve. 

All Sebastian did was desperatly cling to the t- shirt of this figure that radiated of so much love, because he just couldn't help worry and be ever so paranoid that all this would be taken away, ripped and dragged away from him.

And Sebastian never wanted to feel the pain that had haunted him for ages but something that seemed to have been chased away from him at the moment. 

The baby brother of ASLDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora