Chapter 19

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Marco, the FIRST ( if that meant anything to people, the world and the whole fucked up system at all except having extra/ massive amounts of paperwork that half of all the divisions stacked up on his desk for him to finish and deal with his drunk ass sisters and brothers after a party or a feast or anything at all ) Division commander of THE whitebeard pirates, who had been in the crew for more than half of his god damned life, loved his family even though sometimes he wanted to chuck Thatch off the ship when he pulled wild prank such as the one when he fed him pineapples and called it cannibalism, and had been there when Roger had been all alive and living was without a child and was someone who loved Oyaji and would gladly sacrifice his life to save his father figure. 

And Oyaji, well the man was great and he could say that with pride after all he had been with the man for all of the twenty three years and had a bond more closer than even some blood relationships.
And man, Oyaji was like he was a great man and a father. 
He was kind, loving, accepting and etc not to brag about his father but if he was to describe all of the good thing of his father, the list would go on for ever and the poor author would get complains about how chapter 19 was not a real chapter and other shit she did not want to hear just yet. Anyways the point was that Oyaji was a great man except the fact that you couldn't and shouldn't possibly forget the fact that he was an old man as well as being a pirate who loved pranks, fun, sake ( a bit too much for some of his sisters' liking which really wasn't a secret ), and just loved being on the sea with his family and loved to just have a great and fun day. 

Usually and most of the time that was great. 
Despite popular beliefs from those marines on crack and people outside of his extended and close families alike, Marco actually was pretty chill. 
Most of the time everything was great for he also happened to be in his early 40s in the human age ( remember the whole pheonix thing { that i made up } which made him age twice as slower), loved fun, was a pirate, loved sake and loved having fun too. Believe it or not but there indeed had been a time when he would pull pranks on none other than Oyaji himself and get chased cross islands or even oceans. 

However a thing about Whitebeard/ Edward Newgate, who was both his captain and father was that he was a cheesy father who loved cheesy dad jokes and even enjoyed it when some oldies told it to him, as well as teasing and making fun of his kids. And Marco too loved to mess with his siblings, after all that was what all siblings did and if you did not mess with your sibling once in your life not because you didn't have them at all or was not near your side, text me ( Not Marco the phoenix { not that you will be able to manage it }). However Oyaji's favorite target just had to happen to be him. 
Like great. 

And if he remembered correctly, last time he checked, he did not remember giving anyone his utmost permission to tease him and make fun of him, which as much as it caused stress and unneeded headaches onto Marco, also was not a sign for you gen z people to gasp about the breach of privacy, non content actions then proceed to call the police or make a whole tiktok about it or something like that. 

Uh uh. 
I can see you. 
Bad child. 
Put that camera, phone and pen or whatever you are holding down.
You ain't recording, filming or writing a letter to get people to see the disrespect Marco is treated with everyday, cause he is fine. 

Anyway, what he didn't like about was how Oyaji, Thatch, Izo, Haruka, Ace and the whole crew loved to laugh at his misery. Which for most of the time was fine at all!
Like man, if he ever cried over how many paperwork was stacked up in his office while he was drunk as fuck, that was fine. He would probably laugh at it too after the day and after his hangover. 
If he fell off the boat, by any mistake that he made and it wasn't like it hadn't happen before. Long time ago, when he had been a lot younger in his years, new to the whole concept of flying and his whole devil fruit generally, he had jumped from the crow's nest to see how he could fly only to miserably land his butt into the ocean and drown. That also had been funny which he had been able admit twenty years later. 

You could see that he was fine with every joke possible. He would laugh with them, heck even encourage them, smack Thatch on the back, laugh his ass off and even give Oyaji a big grand old high five. But what he was not fine with was when people laughed at his misery which had any relations with the Akagamied child or his crew or something about someone asking him to change crews ( which had only happened from a certain red haired child for the others had all been too afraid to even glance up at him. ) 

So when the child had asked him those dreaded words... 

 to be continued. 

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