Chapter 29

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Bonus chapter 

Time skip to when everything is over, after this story and when Sebastian, our darling main character, is eighteen 


Three simple words.

Three words that immediately alerted all the members of the house the kind of enormous danger the castle was under. 

Three single words that sent top marines, yonkos, super novas, and the revolutionary army into full on running mode.

Kaido burst into the gaming room where both Yamato and King were very into a video game he recalled being named Marco cart?? or was is io Cart? Anyways that wasn't the important thing right now," get yourself together' he told himself slightly annoyed that he had been distracted at such a crucial moment yet still trying his best to think and remember the name of the video game. 
Kaido already having lost so much time, didn't have any time to explain what the hell was happening to his two kids before he skidded across the room to where they both sat, eyes on the screen and insulting each other at the same time, and grabbed them like sacks of potatoes. Yamato under his arm and King over his shoulder, both very stable, maybe not comfortable but hey, Kaido was trying to save lives here. Then he dashed out like a madman for his dear old life. 

As soon as the alarm went off and even faster than that damned dragon thing ran into a room, Big Mom also immediately kicked her ginormous hand bag open, swept all her generals and older children in ( some protested and others were surprised when it all happened but Big Mom simply zipped the bag shut, it was all for their safety ), scoped the crying and suddenly traumatized children ( who have consumed the chocolates and sweets Sebastian had made ) into her hands, with Katakuri on her left shoulder and Perospero on the right, Big Mom dashed out. 

Whitebeard too calmly stood up, brushed his mustache peacefully before, " CHILDREN RUN!!! " 
Yes, indeed, even the almighty Whitebeard was afraid of the substances that bubbled up with chunks of food and sticky purple liquid that the young one stirred up in that pot of his. Thatch really needed to give that child a lesson on cooking, at least two hours a day. Aye, that was the way of life, slowly by slowly.  But right now was not the time to be thinking about such things, the top priority right now as survival.
" HAI POPS!!" 
with that all the whitebeard children/ crew/members/ family were all unharmed in the evacuation, only leaving behind Ace. 
Let us have a moment of silence for the man. 

Akainu, Akoji and Kizaru who had all been on a circular desk playing uno, using their abilites to try to sneak a peek into the others' cards while trying to win all shot up, not caring whether or not their cards had been seen or no. Kizaru simply threw a mocking smile at the two who looked at him with a ' no- don't-do-what-I-think-you're-going-to-do' look, but he simply bowed slightly before disappearing in a flash. 
" KIZARU!!" 
But the two really didn't need to complain for before they knew it, they were pushed out of the door of the castle by the currents of people who shoved to get out of the house. 

Sengoku, the retired marine who now wore a Hawaiian shirt and cap walked, clutching his pet goat, a pinked haired boy and a blonde boy as he made his way peacefully to the back door, something everyone seemed to have forgotten all at once due to the mad rush. Oh well, it was better for him this way. Besides this time he even had managed to get Garp drunk enough, tied him to the kitchen chair and walked away, and if you asked him, it was perfect revenge for all the white hairs the man had man him get at least 5 years earlier than any other people his age. 

They didn't know how but somehow, somewhat by some weird chance Sanji, Crocodile and Smoker all at the same time made it into the room with a transportation scroll that had taken them out of the castle all at the same time, landing the three together into a small emergency room underground.
" Oi, curly brows, any fire for my cigar?" 
" here, you sandy man."
" ah, me too." 
" really??" 
Sanji sighed before relentlessly letting two of the people who had tried to kill his captain and failed borrowed his lighter to light up their cigars. And let Sanji add the fact that these two were one of the many who had tried to take down his captain and failed miserably, getting kicked in the butt. 
" Bro, I like smocking too but not on cigars 24/7 and on three at a time... you'r gonna get lung cancer or something." 

Nami had made a very calculated run as he picked/ dragged up a very confused looking moss head, that she knew with her eyes closed would get lose even in his square room with nothing else then a bed and a bedside table,  and tied themselves to a sofa and hoped out of a window. 
The perfect definition of a defenestration. 

Franky, Jimbe and Brook were one of the first ones out of the house in the first place for they had been exploring the vast forest in the little one's land when the siren rang across the island. 
" Ah..," Franky muttered, " Sebastian's UNSUPER food." 
" Hai," Brook nodded, " It makes my skin crawl every time I hear of it." 
" You have none." Jimbe pointed out

Robin and Ussopp too fled the scene via riding on Chopper who happened to look like a race horse to them. 

Law and his crew roomed out.

The Kiddo and his friends.. I mean the kid and his gang of bullies.. i mean Kid and the Kid Crew also managed to flee. 

And just like that within only a matter of three to four seconds everyone had fled, except for Shanks, Ace, Mihawk and Garp. 

Garp, as we already knew had been tied to the kitchen chair because of that old bastard Sengoku. That wretched old man knew that he just couldn't say no or something that would upset or discourage his grandchild.

Shanks simply had been threatened by Ben that is he didn't 'stay' he would not be allowed on any adventures on liquor for two whole months. 

Ace had fallen asleep while running away and had woken up sitting on one of Sebastians' death chairs.. I mean kitchen desktops. 

Mihawk, poor, poor Mihawk had had earphones in his ears when he had arrived on the island and opened the door when everyone had fled, walking to his own death. 

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