Curse of PCA

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Bella's POV

The group and I were all in our ECON class listening to Michael try and spit out the information we were supposed to know, while our very strict teacher was yelling at him. I felt so bad for the kid, I get straight A's and even I'm struggling in this class, I can't imagine what the rest of the group is feeling like.

After Michael couldn't give the correct answer, our teacher started calling on random students, first Zoey then the weird girl who makes sculptures out of cotton swabs and then Chase, Chase being the only one able to answer the question

"Reese, the true main branches of economics" I looked at Logan who was sitting next to me, who's eyes suddenly widened when he heard his name get called

"Uhhh" he stuttered trying to find an answer, but ultimately ended up getting yelled at while Zoey asked if she could go get medicine from the nurse

After the weird girl ran out of the class screaming due to the bullying of our oh so wonderful teacher, the bell finally rang. None of us wasting any time on packing up our stuff, all of us wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible, but that stopped the second our teacher yelled us making us all scream and sit back down, only to find out we have an exam on Friday, great two days to study which means two days of straight hell

"Can you tell us anything about this test" Zoey asked nervously

"Yes, it'll be extremely difficult" our teacher responded, being no help whatsoever

"Well that was helpful" I muttered under my breath, causing Logan to snicker from next to me

"What was that Parker" everyone turned to me with wide eyes, as the horrible man in front of us singled me out

"Nothing at all sir" I sweetly responded like the innocent child I was, luckily he didn't question it again and moved on with his life, making me sigh in relief

"You got lucky" Logan was the first to speak as we made our way to the quad for lunch

"Trust me I know, I thought for sure I was dead" I responded, grabbing his hand as we walked, while the rest of our friends nodded in agreement

"I thought you were for sure gonna get yelled at" Chase looked at me, with slightly wide eyes as we all thought of how much I could have been yelled at

"Yeah but I'm just an innocent little kid, so there's no need to yell at me" I sarcastically said, everyone laughing at my comment as we finally made it to our table, Quinn joining us a few seconds later

The conversation quickly became about how Quinn warned us to not take Mr. Hodges class and how none of us listened

"We all know the legend of Charles Galloway" Quinn spoke, everyone nodding in agreement, while Zoey and I looked at each other confused

"I don't"
"Who's Charles Galloway" Zoey and I spoke our confusion in unison

"You know who he is Bells, I have told you all about him" Logan spoke, wrapping his arm around my chair and stealing a fry off of my plate as he did so

"Was I listening when you told me" I looked at him, still not knowing who this guy was

"Probably not" He shrugged his shoulders in response, as the boys and Quinn quickly filled us in on how Mr. Hodges gave a test so hard that Charles fled PCA and ran up a hill near campus never to be found again

"It's just an urban legend though" Chase said, slightly easing the nerves that had entered my body. Only for them to re-enter when Michael said he believed the legend

The conversation ended when Quinn got a call from Lola, and left to go watch guys eat apples in the lounge and rate their kissability

"Maybe I should have done that before I chose a boyfriend" I teased Logan, as the group snickered and he looked offended

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