Spring Break-Up Part 1

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Bella's POV

"Where is Nicole" Logan asked frustrated "I told everyone to be here on time" Logan continued looking at his watch. We were all leaving to go to his vacation house to spend spring break together and he is a little stressed

"Logs she'll be here it's fine" I reassured, grabbing his hand to try and calm him down. Nicole luckily showed up two seconds later with two scrawny little kids carrying her giant duffel bag. We all looked at her in shock before deciding to ignore it, but the little kids didn't because one of them tried to attack Nicole while the other held him back

"So guys I forgot to tell you, when we get to my house there's gonna be a little surprise" Logan spoke up again, as we all looked at him in confusion, we thought we were just gonna hang out for the week

"What kind of surprise" Zoey was cut off by the sound of a horn honking, we all turned to see an SUV pull up, and the driver greeted Logan

"Hey cool your dad sent a van for us" Chase and Michael high-fived in excitement making me smile

"The vans for our suitcases, that's for us" Logan corrected, before pointing at a giant limo that was pulling up. Everyone gasped and cheered in excitement, as they all sprinted and climbed in

Logan and I were the last ones to get in, but I looked up at him before we did "You love showing off to our friends huh" I teased as a giant smile overtook his face

"I like having things other people don't" he sheepishly responded, as we both climbed into the limo and took our seats. Logan threw his arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head onto his chest, as we both got comfortable for the drive

After about an hour of driving, we pulled up to the house and everyone got out of the car freaking out

"Bells how are you not freaking out right now" Lola asked as I was just standing there holding Logan's hand with a giant smile on my face at their reactions

"I grew up here" I simply explained, for at least a couple weeks each summer Logan and I's family would hang out here. I have so many good memories of this place

"Mr. Logan" Chauncey the butler gained our attention

"Chauncey, how's it going buddy" Logan excitedly asked while fist bumping the guy

"Your father has arranged an early dinner for you and your friends in the main dinning room" he continued to explain, while looking at everyone in the group

"Chauncey why don't you show everybody their rooms" Logan asked before motioning to our friends

"That would excite me" Chauncey finally looked at me and finally registered who I was

"Miss Bella" he slightly nodded his head at me

"Hi Chauncey, how are you" I responded with a smile, I love this guy he was always so sweet

"I'm well thank you, do you need me to show you your room also" he asked politely, as I smiled and shook my head

"I think I can find it" he nodded and led the rest of our friends to their room as Logan and I stood there with giant smiles on our face

"I missed this place" I whispered as Logan pulled me into his chest and placed a light kiss to my forehead

"I did too my love" He grabbed my hand and led me to the house as we went to find our rooms.

Everyone would get their own room, which was gonna be so nice. I haven't had my own room since we got back to campus and I need some alone time. Although I'll probably end up sleeping in Logan's room like we did all growing up. I walked into my room and looked around, the smile never leaving my face. It was exactly like how I left it, whenever Logan's family first got this house his dad let my brothers, Logan and I each pick our room then decorate it how we wanted. I set my bags down before getting dressed nicer for dinner

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