Defending Dustin

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AN:This takes place during the defending dustin episode, but Logan's not in that episode so it won't follow the plot of that episode

Bella's POV
I woke up feeling exhausted, I was tossing and turning all night and got maybe an hour of sleep. I've been at PCA for about a month now, and the homesickness is hitting like a bus. I've texted and called my mom everyday, and I thought having Logan with me would make it easier. But all I want to do right now is sleep in my own bed, in my own house back in Oklahoma.

I got up and just put on a pair of shorts and Logan's hoodie and decided to go see what he was up to. Maybe a best friend day will be exactly what I need.

I was walking through the quad when I saw Zoey, Nicole and Dana talking to Zoey's little brother Dustin

"Hey Bells" Zoey called out

"Oh hey Zo" I responded yawning halfway though the short sentence

"You okay?" Nicole asked, concern written across her face

"Yeah I just didn't sleep much last night, I'm gonna go see Logan, but I'll talk to y'all later" I said beginning to walk off, they all nodded and waved bye.

I wiped tears from eyes as I walked away, seeing Zoey with her little brother made me miss my brothers which made the homesickness 10 times worse. I picked up the pace towards Logan's room I really needed a hug from him right now

I got to his room, and Chase was leaving just as I was walking in. He saw the tears in my eyes, but deciding on not saying anything. Which I was grateful for, if he had asked if I was okay I would have broke. He just gave me a quick smile and let me inside the room to where Logan was sitting playing video games. I swear that's all that boy does.

"Hey beautiful" Logan says before looking up, his smile dropping when he sees the tears streaming down my face

I didn't say anything, I just sat down next to him and buried myself in his chest. Moments like these make me glad that Logan knows me so well, I didn't even have to say anything he just held me in his arms and played with my hair as I cried. I sat there for about 5 minutes just crying as he whispered sweet nothings in my ears.

I pulled away and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes. I tried to give him a weak smile to show him I was okay, but we both know it didn't work.

"What's wrong my pretty girl?" He asked gently

"I miss home" I stated simply, I didn't know what else to say. I felt like a baby for crying like this, I had great friends here. Why was I crying about missing my family.

Logan didn't say anything, he just pulled me back into his arms. Neither of us said anything for a while, we just sat there me crying in his arms while he did everything he could to calm me down. After a while I finally calmed down and was able to breathe normally again

"Sorry, I don't know why I got so emotional" I began to explain before Logan cut me off

"You don't ever have to apologize for being sad, actually you don't ever have to apologize to me for feeling any sort of feelings. I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to be here for the good the bad the ugly. Okay?" Logan said, forcing me to look in his eyes.

"Okay. I just could not sleep last night, I missed home so much. And then I saw Zoey, talking to her brother and it made me miss my family even more. I didn't think I could miss our small town back home so much but I do. I miss my brothers, I miss my parents, I miss your parents, I miss my dogs. I miss my room, I miss your room. I just miss home" I rambled on and on before I was forced to stop talking in order to breathe

"When I first got here, I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed my family so much. I missed you even more. Up until I started going here, I never had to be apart from you. You were always right next door, so all of a sudden you are a thousand miles away and I just have to deal with that? I didn't know how to handle that, so it took several weeks of me crying and then calling my mom and calling you before I was okay with staying here. There were a couple times I debated dropping out and moving back home. But you know what made it easier?"

"What" I whispered out

"I had friends here that made me happy, and I knew that if I could just make it to the end of the semester I would get to see you and our families again. So just make it to the end of the semester Bells and then we can go see our family. You think you can do that" Logan asked

"Yeah I can do that" I replied, he just smiled and nodded at me before pulling me in for another hug.

"So now that all of the crying is out of the way, you want to have a best friend date day?" I looked up at him hoping he would say yes

"Absolutely, we could go play basketball for a little and then come back and watch movies" He said looking at me for confirmation. So that's exactly what we did

We went down to the basketball court, where I whooped Logan in some one on one. Then we came back to his room and had a movie marathon.

We were halfway through our 5th movie, I had my head laid in Logan's lap as he played with my hair, when suddenly the door opened. In walks Michael, Chase, Zoey, Nicole and Dana. I sat up as Logan paused the movie, both of us curious as to why our whole friend group just came in.

"Hey y'all what's up" I was the first one to break the silence

"We just wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed a little down this morning, and Chase said you were crying when you got here" Nicole said, motioning to Chase when she mentioned him

"Aww thanks guys, I'm good now. It was a rough morning, but Logan helped me feel better" I responded, looking to Logan when I said his name only to find him already smiling at me.

"I know you have Logan and y'all are closer than the rest of us will ever be, but you know you can come to us to right Bells?" Zoey asked sincerity in her voice

"Yeah I do, I appreciate it guys" I smiled at the group

"Y'all wanna watch the rest of this movie with us" I asked, motioning to the movie on the screen. They all agreed, and soon the boys dorm was filled with giggles and chatter about what was happening in the movie. I leaned my head onto Logan's shoulder and wrapped my arm around his bicep. He placed a light kiss on my forehead as we both focused back on the movie.

I have good friends I thought to myself. I can make it to the end of the semester

AN:sorry this is short, I just wanted to give y'all some cute Bella and Logan moments, cuz we don't have a lot of those yet

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