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Bella's POV

The boys, Zoey and I were chilling in the boys dorm, as Chase and Michael filmed for their broadcast. Zoey was sat in a beanbag chair in the middle of the room as she did homework, and Logan and I laid on his bed. He was throwing a ball up in the air and catching repeatedly, as I laid with my head on his chest reading my book. Currently Michael was trimming his nose hairs with a professional nose hair trimmer, while Chase sings the national anthem while gurgling coffee

"We have weird friends" I whispered to Logan as I closed my book, curious as to how this segment of the broadcast was gonna go

"Yeah we do" Logan agreed, setting his ball down and pulling me closer, as he also turned his head to see what was going down. Chase began to choke, as Michael desperately tried to help him while the rest of us stayed silent and just watched the scene unfold. Logan rolled his eyes before continuing to throw his ball, and Zoey and I made eye contact both of us widening of eyes in confusion and amusement. These boys are weird.
Once we determined Chase was okay the two of them turned towards the rest of us

"So what do you guys think so far" Michael asked as Chase and himself looked at us with nothing but hope in their eyes

"It's funny" Zoey tried to reassure politely even though we all knew she was lying

"It could not be worse" Logan said at the same time, while sitting up causing myself to do the same

"Could you say one nice thing to someone ever" Zoey asked with annoyance in her tone

"Sure" Logan replied turning to look at me with a smirk on his face "Bells you look hot in my sweatshirt" he looked me up and down before turning to Zoey who looked disgusted. I had a bright smile on my face as I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek causing him to blush making me giggle

"You are disgusting" Zoey broke us from our small moment, making me slightly annoyed. They always break us apart when we are having a good time

"How is it disgusting to compliment his girlfriend" I spoke up for the first time since setting my book down

"Because nobody wanted to hear him call you hot" Zoey practically threw up saying that sentence, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion, I still don't see a problem

"Look I'm just trying to give them some constructive criticism, so they don't get trashed in the school paper again" Logan broke me and Zoey from our small argument before turning towards the boys. Chase and Michael were explaining the school paper situation to Zoey as Logan and I got lost in our own little world

"I hate our friends sometimes" I whispered truthfully to Logan as I rested my chin on his chest so I could look at him as I talked

"Why, pretty girl?" He asked cocking his head to the side in curiosity

"Because they always break us up when we are having little couple moments. I feel like we never get alone time" I frowned at the end of my sentence, making Logan mirror my expression

"I know, I'll make sure we get more alone time I promise" He placed a soft kiss on my lips, before turning towards our friends who had finished explaining the situation

"Maybe that's why only 7 kids at PCA watch it" Logan said after Michael had said that the newspaper trashed them to the whole school

"9 thank you" Chase cockily corrected, making me giggle at the importance of the small difference in numbers

"Come on we're back" Michael and Chase turned their attention back to the broadcast, before greeting their viewers

"Okay and we're back with some more of the Chase and Michael show" Chase spoke enthusiastically

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