Little Beach Party

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Bella's POV

Logan and I were sitting at the table we normally eat lunch at, studying for all of our exams that we have coming up. My brain was almost mush, I was so done with studying. I was about to start complaining to Logan when Zoey slammed her books on the table and sat down in the chair with a huff

"Hey Zo you okay?" I looked at her worried, she had her head in her heads for a second before looking up at me

"No, not really. Everyone is asking me for help on studying for their exams, and I feel bad saying no but I barely have enough time to study myself" she finished her sentence by putting her head back in her hands

"So now would be a bad time to ask for help" I whispered to Logan who snickered, while Zoey shot me a glare

"I'm kidding Zoey, just calm down everything will be alright. Tomorrow is the last day of the semester, and then we'll get to go to the beach and celebrate. Okay, just breathe" I tried to encourage her, luckily it worked as she took a deep breath and looked a lot less tense than when she sat down

Logan stood up causing me to look up at him "I gotta go help Chase, we promised Michael we would help him study" he leaned down placing a soft kiss on my lips, causing a smile to take over my face

I watched him walk off, before turning to Zoey who was smiling at me "you guys are so cute" she said causing me to smile even bigger, as we both began to study

The Next Day

We all just finished our last exam of the semester and we're waiting for the bell to ring. Everyone's eyes were trained on the clock, just waiting for the hand to hit the right spot to let us know we could leave

'Ding Ding Ding', the bell rung causing everyone to jump out of their seats cheering. Everyone but our friend group sprinted out of the classroom, a couple seconds later Dustin walked in ready for the beach

"Zoey" he called out excitedly

"Hey look at you looking all cute in your swimsuit" she replied, making me laugh ain't no way would my brothers let me talk to them like that. The siblings were in the middle of talking about Dustin riding with us to the beach, when Quinn walked in the room with some mysterious potion in her hand

"Okay guys you gotta check this out" Quinn started waving her hands around with excitement

"Uh oh what now"
"You're not gonna blow us are you"
"I'm gonna take a couple steps back" we all voiced our skepticism, not trusting anything that Quinn made

She somehow convinced us that this one was safe and was just a really good coconut smelling perfume, she stuck it towards me wanting me to smell it. I looked around at my friends who all had nervous looks on their face, but I could tell wanted me to smell it. I leaned slightly forward and look a quick whiff of this perfume and oh my gosh it smelled amazing

"Quinn this smells great" everyone looked at me surprised, all of them immediately leaning forward to smell it. Everyone voiced their agreement when suddenly I let out a massive yawn, soon everyone else did as well. Next thing I know I hit the ground, with my friends following close after

I heard someone's phone ring but didn't bother to open my eyes, I was extremely comfortable. Somehow when we all fell asleep I ended up on Logan's chest, so I just dug my head deeper into his chest

Michael began freaking out yelling everyone's names, and when he went to kick Logan he kicked me instead

"Michael what the hell" I asked angrily, opening my eyes for the first time. Everyone but Dustin slowly woke up to figure out why Michael was yelling at us and kicking us

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