Time Capsule

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Bella's POV

Zoey, Lola and I walked into our first class of the day, where the boys were laughing while reading some book

"Hey guys" Zoey greeted setting her stuff down in her seat next to Chase, all the boys responding with a greeting of their own. I made my way over to my seat next to Logan, who gave me a big smile when I sat down

"Hey pretty girl" he leaned over a gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Morning handsome" I leaned my chin on his shoulder as we turned towards our friends who were talking about the yearbook the boys were looking at

"Look at those pants"
"Look at the hair"
"And who wears a neon jacket"
"Why are everyone's clothes so baggy" everyone began pointing out things that we couldn't believe were ever fashion trends, we were making fun of one of the kids in the yearbook when Mr.Bender walked up. Only to say that the kid we were making fun of was himself, whoops

"Hey just think, in 20 years kids are going to be looking at your yearbook laughing at what you're wearing" Bender pointed at us, as we rolled our eyes

"Yeah right, this shirt will always be hot" Lola cockily said making me giggle

"Yeah it will" Michael tried to flirt but failed

"Try not to drool" Lola said looking at Michael with nothing but disgust in her eyes

"Do you really think in 20 years when people look at our yearbook they'll wonder what we were like" Chase asked still flipping through the yearbook

"Ooh you know what would be cool?" Zoey spoke up

"Being married to Orlando Bloom" Lola responded, all of the girls quickly agreeing

"I would love to be married to Orlando Bloom" I muttered resting my head in my hand practically in a daze

"Excuse me, boyfriend right here" Logan looked offended

"Whoops" I innocently giggled, causing him to playfully roll his eyes

"Anyways" Zoey says gaining our attention again "We should make a time capsule" she finished, I am so in, I thought

After having to explain what a time capsule was, we all quickly agreed and decided we were going to put it together tomorrow. I spent the rest of the class period trying to think of something that was super meaningful to me, that I wouldn't miss for the next 20 years and so far I got nothing

"Do you know what your putting in the time capsule" I asked Logan as we walked back to his dorm, to take our daily nap, we had just finished lunch and we had 2 hours before we had another class so it was nap time.

"I have no idea, you?" he looked at me, swinging our intertwined hands back and forth as we walked

"Not a clue. I want it to be meaningful, but I don't want it to be something that I am going to miss for the next 20 years until we open the box, you know?" I looked up at him to see if he had the same thought process

"Yeah I get that, we gotta figure out what we're putting in quick though, we have to turn it in tomorrow"

"Yeah I know. I'll figure it out after our nap" I responded to him as he just laughed, and we continued our walk to his dorm talking about whatever came to our mind

It was a couple hours later and the girls and I were all in our room trying to figure out what to put in the time capsule

Nicole was currently going through all our her shirts to find one to put in, Lola was talking about how she is going to be famous in 20 years so she's just not gonna put anything in because everyone will already know about her, and Zoey was in the lounge recording a message about all of her friends. I was just standing there looking through all of my stuff trying to find something to put in

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