The Election

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Bella's POV

"You can't possibly believe chocolate cupcakes are better than chocolate cake" I looked at Logan with nothing but disgust

"I said they were the same thing, not that I liked one more" He exclaimed throwing his hands up

I gasped looking at him "they are not the same thing". All of a sudden Zoey broke threw the door, ending Logan and I's pointless debate

"Bella I need your help" She bent over to catch her breath, Lola and Nicole racing in a few seconds later

I looked at Logan confused who looked at me the same way "Uhh is everything okay?" I asked hesitantly

"Chase nominated me for class president, so I nominated him, and now I need help with my campaign" she rambled on once she caught her breath

I turned towards Logan with a smirk on my face "You help Chase, I help Zoey" I had a challenging look in my eyes as I spoke

"Care to make it interesting" he asked cockily, as I nodded my head. The girls looking at us like we were insane

"If you win, I'll take you on a different date every night this week. If I win, you have to do my math homework for the next week" Logan announced what the bet would be, as I stood up and stuck my hand out

"You're on" I muttered as I shook his hand, before turning to follow the girls out the door. We were in the hallway when they all looked at me

"Wait one more thing" I turned around and walked back towards Logan, who had his eyebrows raised. I leaned down and softly grabbed his face before pressing my lips against his own. I pulled away a slight smile on both of our faces

"Okay now you're on" I tried to sound threatening

"I love you" he whispered,a smile still on his face

"I love you too" I giggled in response before finally going back into the hallway to help the girls

The girls and I were all currently in the lounge making campaign posters for Zoey

"Look yo yo yoey vote for Zoey" Nicole turned around her poster as we all looked at her confused

"What it's not my fault nothing rhymes with your name" Nicole continued looking down in embarrassment. We all just giggled at her, when Quinn walked in looking rather excited

"Hey Quinn wanna help us make posters for Zoey" Lola asked pointing towards the array of craft supplies spread out before us

"I can't, I'm helping Mark with his campaign" She turned around the large poster in her hand to display a rather interesting picture of Mark. He had the most uncomfortable smile I've ever seen on his face and looked like he would rather be anywhere else than taking that picture. Before we could say anything, he walked in and began to hand out buttons asking us to vote for him in a very monotone voice, before walking out of the room

"You can't buy that charisma" Quinn stared dreamily at where Mark once stood before hurrying to follow him

"He's got my vote" I said going back to work on my posters, as the girls looked at me like I was crazy before playfully rolling their eyes

The Next Day

It was the next day and the girls and I were sitting at our lunch table, a piece of chocolate cake sitting in front of Nicole

"Aren't you going to eat that" Zoey asked looking at her

"No I'm trying to cut back" She explained poking at the cake with the fork in her hand

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