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Bella's POV

My moms car pulled up in the exact same spot it did a year ago, giving me major deja vu, I was so excited to be back. I couldn't wait to see all of my friends and I especially couldn't wait to see Logan. My family takes a month long vacation, at the end of every summer so I haven't been able to see him in a while

I helped my mom pull out all of my suitcases, before she closed the trunk and faced me with a sad smile. I gave her a weak smile back before pulling her in for a hug

"Bye mama I love you" I mumbled into her neck before pulling away, both of us wiping tears

"Bye honey, I love you too" she gave me a kiss on the forehead and pulled me in for one more hug, before she got in the car and drove off

I looked at my schedule to see what dorm I was in, smiling when I saw it was the same one as last year. I heard talking inside when I approached my door, making the smile on my face grow even more. I swung open the door, coming face to face with Zoey and Nicole

"Eeek!!" We all squealed, jumping up and down before attacking each other in a hug

"I missed y'all so much!!" I exclaimed pulling away from the hug

"I missed you too!!" both of the girls responded, excitement in all of our voices. We all sat down for a little bit, catching each other up on our summer before I physically couldn't take it anymore

"Can we please go see Logan and the boys" I pleaded with the girls, who both just laughed before nodding their heads

"Let's go see your lover boy" Zoey teased grabbing my hand before pulling me up, as I squealed with excitement

We were walking through the quad trying to spot the boys, when we found all three of them standing next to a u-haul. I looked over to Zoey who was looking at Chase with a soft smile on her face, she won't admit it but she definitely has a crush on Chase. Logan and I made a bet, both of us waiting for one of them to make the first move. Once the boys were spotted, we all collectively picked up our pace and made our way over

Just like last year Logan's back was facing me, so he didn't see me approach but the other boys did. I quickly put a finger over my mouth to get them to stay quiet, not wanting them to ruin the surprise

"Hey do y'all know where I can find a Logan Reese" I questioned amusement in my voice. Logan twisted his body around with such force I thought he was gonna fall down

"BELLS" he screamed pulling me into a bone crushing hug, as I buried my head into his neck. I finally felt at home, after a month I was back in the arms of the most important person in my life

"Hi my love" I whispered, pulling away for a second to place a kiss on his cheek before my head found its way back into its original resting spot, we pulled away after a couple more seconds both of turning towards our friends

"You excited for this year" I heard Chase ask Zoey, she was about to answer when Nicole cut her off

"Oh my gosh, Zoey, Bella and I get our own room we're so excited" She was practically jumping up and down making me smile at her giddiness. I was focusing on her, when I felt Logan place an arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side. I looked up at him giving him a small smirk, as he winked at me before focusing back on our friends

"What happened to Dana" Chase asked confused

"She got excepted into that European exchange program, she's studying in Paris all year" Zoey responded, all of us secretly jealous

"She's so lucky, I wanna go to Paris so bad" I whined, Paris has been a dream vacation of mine forever

"I'll take you one day" Logan told me, cutting off my complaining. My face lit up as I craned my neck to look at him

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