Chases Girlfriend

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Bella's POV

"Oh honey" I crawled out of bed and made my way towards Zoey pulling her into a hug as Lola and Quinn made their way over and did the same

I guess whenever I moved, I woke up Logan because he was now sitting on my bed, rubbing his eyes and looking at us confused. I sent him a sad smile and slightly nodded my head towards Zoey, he must have understood what I was saying because he got up and made his way over to us

"I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" he quickly said kissing me on the side of the head and walking away

"I love you too" I whispered back before focusing my attention back on Zoey and making sure she was okay

"Are you alright Zo" Lola asked while rubbing her back

"Yeah i'm fine, it's not a big deal but I felt kind of blindsided by it. Like it kind of hurts that he didn't tell me before right now" Zoey spoke softly, while slowly making her way towards her bed

We talked about it for a little longer before deciding to call it a night and see what happens in the morning


The girls and I were walking around campus and recounting all of the events that took place the night before, trying to make sure that Zoey heard all of the information correctly. Which she in fact did. After talking for a couple hours it was time for Zoey, Logan and I to head to basketball practice

Logan was on the free-throw line, missing every single shot he tried to shoot

"You do know the basketball is supposed to go in the basket right" Zoey teased Logan who rolled his eyes at the girl

Coach finally called it quits for the day and after yelling at Logan and threatening to bench him the next game he walked off, and I made my way up to him

"Why can't I make free throws anymore" Logan frustratedly asked me, before chugging some of his water

"You said it yourself, you're in a slump. It's okay Logs, you'll get out of it" I tried to reassure him, it slightly worked because he nodded and grabbed my hand as we both walked back towards our dorms and took showers before meeting back up for lunch with our friends

"Why can't I make free throws" Logan asked once again, throwing his hands up in annoyance

"I can help you" Quinn offered, making me smile at her sweetness. I would offer, but I'm just as bad at free throws. Somehow Logan and I are great at defense and three-pointers but we can't shoot a free throw to save our lives

"Yeah right, I've seen you try and play basketball. I'm not letting you help me" Logan immediately shut her idea down, making me frown a little bit

"Don't be rude Logs, maybe she can help" I defended Quinn, who smiled at me in appreciation

"Yeah let her help" everyone else sitting at the table quickly agreed

"After embarrassing myself, I did some research. It's just some simple physics" Quinn explained again, trying to get Logan on board

"Why would it be so bad for Quinn to help" Michael spoke up for the first time since the conversation started

"Because Quinn's a spaz" Logan responded while shooting Quinn a dirty look

I watched her face drop and it looked like she got lost in her thoughts. I know they fight a lot and neither of them usually mean anything that they say, but something inside of Quinn flipped just now. She actually seemed hurt by what Logan had said

"I am not a spaz" Quinn spat back, while her eyes twitched out of control

Nobody said anything, since Chase made his way to the table with his new girlfriend Rebecca

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