Robot Wars

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AN: this first part takes place after the end of the last chapter and before the beginning of this one

Bella's POV

Logan and I were walking in silence, a few feet apart, another person could fill the space between us. Neither of us knew what to say, we didn't know who should start the conversation. It has never been this awkward before, all I know is I want my best friend back even if that's all we stay. Dating him is the best outcome, but if it doesn't work out like that I just want him in my life

"I miss you" I weakly said, being the first one to speak but nervousness was over taking my body. I know what I heard on the camera, but I still am scared he didn't actually mean what he said

"I miss you too Bella, so much" I saw him look at me through the corner of my eye, before quickly looking back down at his feet

"I want to get back to what we had, I want my best friend back but I'm scared" I told him. If we are going to have this conversation, the truth was going to have to be said. Logan turned to me, stopping both of us from our walking. But this also meant, we would have to look at each other. I took a deep breath before making eye contact with him, my heart fluttering when I did. The hold this boy has on me is insane

"I don't want you to be scared of this. I want you back in my life more than anything, this past week has been torture. Bella I will do whatever I have to get what we had back. Because in all honesty, I don't think I can be just your best friend anymore. I don't know how" he looked at his fingers as he spoke, but my eyebrows knitted together in confusion, didn't know how?

"Don't know how?" I asked quietly, I didn't know what he meant by that

"I was your boyfriend for 6 months, and even after that short period of time I can't go back to how it was before. I wouldn't be able to handle someone else holding your hand or kissing you or taking you on the dates that I should be doing. You're my girl, and I can't imagine someone else doing those things with you. So what do I have to do Bells?" Bells he hasn't called me that since we broke up. I didn't know I could miss a nickname so much, especially when everyone else is still calling me it

"I want to take it slow. I want to be your girlfriend again, more than anything, because I can only imagine you doing those things with me. But I can only do that if you promise to stop flirting with other girls. It really hurts Logan, I feel like you only date me because of convenience when you act like that" My eyes fluttered between his, trying to see if I could read any of his thoughts based solely on his eyes

He softly grabbed my hands, I pulled away for a second before finally giving in "You are it for me Bella. I don't ever want you to feel like second best or like I'm only dating you because you are the only option out there. Because Bella you are the only option for me, you are the only girl I look at the way I do. You are the only girl that I feel the things I do for. I love you more than life itself, and I will spend everyday proving it to you, because I am so incredibly sorry for the way I treated you" He squeezed my hands at the end of his sentence, I wanted to believe him so bad, and I did. I think he was telling me the truth, I nodded my head at what he said not knowing the right words to say.

He cautiously brought me into a hug, scared at what my reaction was gonna be. I needed this hug more than anything, I melted into his arms completely. And even though I knew we had a lot of stuff to work through, I felt safe again. I hadn't felt this way for the first time in a week. I finally feel whole again, not a half of a whole but a full whole

The Next Day

The group and I were all laid out on blankets in the quad, while Zoey was talking about making some robot. I was sitting next to Logan, as we just giggled and whispered about random things. I think a week apart is what we needed to make our relationship stronger, because something definitely changed. I feel like he was truly trying to do better and I really appreciated it

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