Hot Dean

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Bella's POV

The boys, girls and I were all in the lounge watching the school news broadcast, regarding our new dean. Since our regular dean is in the hospital because Dustin hit him in the face with his model airplane forcing him to need nose reconstruction surgery

I wasn't really paying attention to the broadcast, I was just talking to Logan and playing with his fingers as I spoke. That was until my body got shoved into Logan's chest as the girls pushed their way to the front of the group, and squealed at the man on our TV

"That's the new dean" Lola's comment caught my attention making me turn to see who they were talking about. And boy were they right, the new dean was beautiful

"He's gorgeous" Quinn commented in shock, making me nod my head in agreement

"He's not as good looking as me" Logan spoke up, trying to gain our attention

"Yeah, yeah Logs you're hot too whatever" I waved my hand towards him, dismissing his comment.

After a few more seconds of the dean being on the screen, the news flipped to showing PCA's new cheer uniforms. The boys quickly shoved us out of the way, the same way that we did in order to get to the front of the group

"Out of the way ladies"
"Can you believe it" The boys all threw out their comments, making me roll my eyes

"Hey Reese, remember me. Your girlfriend" I waved my hand in his face to break him from whatever trance he was in

"Hey Parker, don't act like you weren't just swooning over the new dean" he looked at me with an eyebrow cocked and a smirk on his face

"Shut up" he chuckled at my response before pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around his torso, both of us swaying back and forth and enjoying each others presence

The girls and I were walking back from class when we heard scream crying coming from somewhere around campus. After pinpointing the location we found Coco bawling her eyes out and rolling around in the floor because her boyfriend Carl broke up with her again, and now we are currently sitting in our room with her eating bowls of fruit

"I just can't believe he dumped me over the phone" Coco cried while shoveling a spoon of fruit into her mouth

"He always dumps you over the phone" I had to bite back a laugh at Zoey's comment, she was so right but I didn't want to make Coco more upset

"Every three weeks" Lola added on making the situation even worse, but again she wasn't wrong

We tried to get Coco to leave so that we could start homework, but she wouldn't stop crying about how much of a catch she was and how terrible boys are. We thought moving to the lounge would help, but no here she is yelling about how her valentine's day present was a pretzel from the gas stations

"5 hours. 5 hours that girl blabbed on and on about Carl" Lola said walking into our dorm, after we had finally gotten rid of Coco

"Please don't ever say that name again" I pleaded with Lola, if I heard one more thing about Carl I think I was going to die

It was almost midnight when we all crawled into our beds for the night. I was ready to go to bed hours ago, but we couldn't get rid of Coco no matter how hard we tried

"Let's just go to sleep, so we don't have to hear about it anymore" Zoey spoke, turning off her lamp. But oh was she wrong, at 3 am Coco made her way into our room to start ranting again

We all groaned and tried to cover our faces with our pillows, but it was no use she was yelling and there is no way that we were going to be able to sleep tonight. I hate Carl and I hate Coco

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