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Bella's POV

I was laying on my bed reading my book of the week, while the Quinn was making a new germ and Lola and Zoey were making sure she wasn't using it to hurt anyone

"You're not using this to hurt that girl that hugged Mark right" Lola asked Quinn who was busy looking at the germ through her microscope

"No of course not" Quinn started to defend herself when she knocked over, a bunch of tubes containing random liquids that were sitting right next to her. A green cloud immediately covered the room, and without skipping a beat Quinn was on the phone with some biohazard team

"How does she have that number memorized" I heard Lola ask, as I gave my full attention to the problem at hand

"What is going on" I asked Quinn trying to get any information out of the girl, but instead she went and pulled the fire alarm getting everyone else out of the building and then locking us in our dorm

"Why do they get to leave" Zoey yelled at Quinn once she had hung up the phone

"Because we have already been exposed to the air, so the biohazard team has to come test us" Quinn explained like it was a perfectly normal routine

"Quinn what the hell" I threw my hands up and then proceeded to throw myself backwards on to my bed

"It's not that big of a deal" she tried to reason with me, clearly not seeing the big deal here

"I had a date with Logan tonight" Logan and I were supposed to have a picnic tonight but that obviously wasn't going to happen

"Sorry" Quinn weakly responded, as we all made our way to our respective beds waiting for the team to get here

After sitting in silence for about 20 minutes our door opens to reveal the boys

"Hello" they sang each poking their head in at a different time; before they immediately went into asking questions about what snacks and drinks we had

After Quinn explained the whole quarantine situation, they tried to leave but were quickly escorted back in by three guys in hazmat suits. What the fuck did Quinn get us into

We were all standing in a line, looking at the guys in front of us scared out of our minds. I grabbed Logan's hand and tried to shield myself behind him, hoping to find some comfort in this situation. He gave my hand a couple squeezes trying to bring himself some comfort as well

"You, take 10 CC's of blood from everyone" one of the guys spoke to his coworker, while the coworker pulled out a big ass needle making all our hearts drop and take a few steps back

"Blood.." Michael sounded like he was about to cry

"Nope, nope, nope" I kept repeating myself while shaking my head and putting myself completely behind Logan. No way am I giving this man my blood

"It won't hurt" one of the guys tried to reassure us but I didn't believe him

"You sure it won't hurt" Lola's shaky voice asked while rubbing her hands up and down her arms

"No it's going to hurt" the same guy said again, I knew he was lying

"Yeah fuck that" I tried to leave but one of the hazmat suits guys pushed me back

"Don't push her"
"Don't push me" Logan and I immediately started arguing with the guy who touched me, as he put his hands up in surrender and our friends pulled us back to calm us down

"You okay pretty girl" Logan asked pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around my neck

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied nodding my head and wrapping my arms around his waist

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