School Dance

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Bella's POV

The school dance was in two days and I was working up the courage to ask Logan as an actual date. We are most likely going to go together no matter what, but I want to go as an actual date, I want to make my move

We were all sitting in our film class listening to our teacher blab on and on about target markets, my head was in my hand my eyes fighting to stay open. They were on the verge of closing, when a loud dinging sound came from Zoey's computer

"You were supposed to keep your sound off" Chase terribly whispers, looking towards the teacher nervously

Mr.Bender looked at Zoey very upset and began to explain the rules against instant messaging in class, which in turn meant she had read the message out loud. She tried to get out of it, to save Bender from embarrassment but he was persistent

"Hey Zo, you think Bender knows his zippers down" Zoey read out cautiously looking at Mr.Bender once she finished reading, causing us all to erupt in laughter

Bender was saved from any further embarrassment, as two upperclassmen walked in way too happy for 8 in the morning. We all just stared at them as they tried to get us excited for whatever they were about to say

I looked at Logan and pretended to gouge my eyes out with the pen that was in my hand, he rolled his eyes at me and then hesitantly took the pen away from me, giving me a bright smile after he took it. I wasn't going to listen to whatever these people were saying but the school dance got brought up and it had my full attention

"Now I'm sure some of you have thought about you want to ask" I took a sneaky glance at Logan a small smile took over my face when I saw he was already looking at me

"But we know that asking someone to the dance can be a little awkward" the preppy kids continued

"So this year you don't have to" We all looked around confused. They went on to explain that this year we're gonna take a personality test and based on the results they will pair us up with someone who is compatible and that will be the person we go to the dance with. Well there goes my plan of asking Logan. I didn't bother to listen to the rest of the conversation, at this point I'm just waiting for this bell to ring

Once class was dismissed we all dispersed to take our tests. The girls went to our dorm, and the boys went to theirs, although Chase kept texting me trying to get Zoey's answers. It was cute though so I gave them to him

"Hey Bells you okay. You look a little bummed?"Zoey asked, tearing my attention away from the question on my computer

"Yeah I'm good" I tried to lie, but they all looked at me waiting for the real answer. I took a deep breath before explaining

"I was gonna ask Logan to the dance, like as a real date" I mumbled kind of embarrassed that my plan didn't go as I hoped. All of the girls squealed in excitement

"So you're finally ready to admit you like him" All of the girls practically leaned closer to hear my answer

"I don't like him" all of their faces deflated after my sentence

"I think I'm in love with him" they all gasped but refrained from saying anything until I was done

"I mean I think I've always been in love with him. He's my best friend in the entire world, and knows me better than anybody on earth. He knows how to celebrate with me when I have my best days, and how to mourn with me when I have my worst days. He never fails to make me feel like the most special and beautiful girl in any room, and somehow he always knows when I need a hug. I've been in love with the kid my entire life, and the second I'm ready to make my move it's like the universe pushes me two steps back" I rambled on for a while, looking towards the girls when I finished. All of them pretending to wipe a fake tear

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