Lola Likes Chase

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Bella's POV

I woke up this morning excitement flowing through my body, it was my birthday! And for the first time in a really long time I got to spend it with my best friend, it sucked that I couldn't see my family but I'm sure today would still be a good day. I was confused when I opened my eyes though because it was only 8 am and the room was already empty, I brushed the thought off and quickly got dressed, wanting to see Logan as soon as possible

I found him leaning against a pole, lifting weights as these girls were desperately trying to flirt with him. I watched for a second before walking over, they were trying so hard to flirt and get his attention, and for once he wasn't flirting back

"Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, it's mostly about the biceps and triceps. Tuesday's and Thursdays it's all about the abs" I made my way over once he finished his sentence, the girls looking at me with disgust as I did

"What about the weekends" the girl in the middle twirled her hair around her finger as she spoke. I wanted to barf, I didn't look like this when I flirted with him did I?

"The weekends are for my girlfriend" He quickly shot down whatever ideas they had going on, making me smile

I leaned up and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek "hi my love" I whispered as he pulled me into his chest for a hug. The girls rolled their eyes and groaned in annoyance

"Have a good day" I yelled out sarcastically to them, as Logan started laughing. He looked down at me with a smile on his face, once he was done laughing

"Hi pretty girl" he whispered, pushing some hair out of my eyes "You seem happy"

"I am" I cheered smiling wide, as he cocked his head to the side in confusion

"And why's that" he softly asked but confusion laced his voice

"Because what today is" I told him, does he really not know what day it is

"It's just a random Wednesday, but okay" I had a frown on my face and was about to say something when Dustin walked up to us

"How do you get all these girls to like you" Dustin innocently asked making my heart melt. Dustin asked for Logan's help to get girls to like him, and in Logan's brain that meant making Dustin just like him

"I'm gonna go find Zoey or someone" I kissed Logan on the cheek, before walking off sadly. He really forgot what today was

I walked into my room to find Lola and Zoey talking about whether or not Zoey likes Chase

"Hey Bells" Zoey greeted with a small smile, I returned the smile as I made my way towards my bed

"Hey Zo, hey Lola" I responded, pulling out my phone and texting my parents. At least they remembered what today was

"So you don't like Chase" Lola asked Zoey once again as Zoey responded no just like every other time. Lola giggled and excitedly jumped up before going to find Chase for their tutoring session

"You like Chase don't you Zo" I asked once Lola had left the room

"I don't know, but something inside me doesn't like that Lola does" she quietly responded while playing with her fingers nervously

"I get it, but tell her if it's really bothering you okay" She just nodded at my answer, not saying a word

"Hey Zo" she looked up at me, waiting for me to continue "do you know what day it is" I asked, hoping she knew what today was

"Uhh... Wednesday I think, why?" A frown overtook my face for the second time that day. I checked the date on my phone to make sure I wasn't off on the date, nope sure enough it was my birthday and everyone forgot

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