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"Hey. You came" Mika's eyes lit up, and she wrapped her arms around Juliana's neck.

"Yeah... hey" Julie pats her back. Grabbing her hand, Mika leads the girl inside. "Come on! I found this movie we can watch" She squeals. "Hey, Miles" Julie waves as they go upstairs. "What's up, Ju" Miles responds, placing his headphones over his head.

Once comfortable, and changed into pajamas, Julie and Mika walk into her room with multiple different snacks in hand.

"When did you even find that out?" Julie asked while placing the snacks on the bed. "Last weekend!" Mika laughs. Now, under the cozy glow of fairy lights, Mika and Julie huddled in her bed. They talked, talked, and talked whilst sharing popcorn, and the movie Mika found came to an end. "So..." Mika eventually spoke up.

"Where were you for training?".

"Chapa was like a lost puppy today" She says. Moments after not receiving a response to her question, Mika sits up, concerned. "Julie?" Mika questions. "Juliana!" Mika called out. "Huh? What— sorry" Juliana sighs and gives the girl a half smile. "You good? You've been zoning out a lot" Mika asked, pausing the movie.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good" Julie answered though it was still unbelievable.

"Are you—?".

"I'm fine" Julie nods. "Okay" Mika says, falling back onto her bed. "Can we just watch another movie or something?" Juliana asked. "Definitely" Mika mutters. "It's your pick" She adds. Julie hesitated before opening up about her topic. "My mom..." She began, worried.

"She wants me to move in with her."

"Seriously?" Mika questions, once again sitting up with curiosity. "Yeah," Julie nodded. "That's great!" Mika chimes. Julie pulled her eyebrows together and tilted her head. Realizing how the comment came off, Mika shakes her head. "No. I- I mean it's a great opportunity to, you know, find that bond," She clarified.

Julie hums. "I mean, you're still going to be in training, right?" Mika asked. "If I go through this, I will be able to go to a regular school," Julie explained. "That would take more of my time to do things like go on missions, so I don't... I don't know".

"I just overheard their argument about the move earlier when I texted you, and I'm too nervous to ask Dad about it so".

"What do you want?" Mika asked. "I have no idea," Julie admitted, fidgeting with her fingers. "And I have no clue on how to explain it to Chapa," Julie adds. "I don't want to make things complicated for us" She frowns. "I mean, she's going to flip if I tell her, right?" Julie questions her friend.

She was hoping for an answer that would solve all her problems. "Maybe," Mika shrugs. "Have you guys even talked?" She looks over at the girl beside her. "After the last time? No," Juliana answers, shifting her position in the bed. "Everything's been off lately for us, you know?" Mika nodded. That had been true.

"And it's never good when things are off in a relationship" Julie frowns. "I think you should just talk to her" Mika suggested. "It's a big decision," She said, her eyes focused on the pear tablet. "Chapa would want to know. Just be honest with her." She tells Julie.

"Yeah... I guess" Julie whispers.


Eventually, the rest of the night took an unexpected turn after watching a scary movie, and the tapping on Mika's window made the girls jump.

Julie hiding underneath the covers. "The one time she wants to have it locked I need her" Chapa dusts the leaves off of her and taps on the window again. Mika closes the tablet and looks out the window, seeing nothing but hearing ruffling noises. "Mika, open sesame!" She waved her hand. Pulling her eyebrows together, Mika recognizes the voice.

She removes herself from the bed and walks towards her window.

"What're you doing?" Julie asked, peeping through the covers. "Relax" Mika waves her off and opens the window. "Chapa, what're you doing here?" She asked, taking a step back. "I know" Chapa admits as she climbs into the room, sighing. "I know I said "Later" earlier but now is later and I need your help".

"Okay, with what?" Mika crossed her arms around her stomach and listened. 

"Julie. Do you think she's still upset about the mission?" Chapa questioned. "I called Ray, but all he said was that she wasn't at home, so I'm guessing she was with her mom" Chapa explained. "Ask her yourself," Mika suggested, her hand pointing towards the bed. "What?" Chapa looked over at the bed.

Julie rolls her eyes and removes the cover from her head.

"Mika!" Julie groans. "Julie, hey" Chapa grins, playing down her excitement. It felt like forever since they last talked. Julie gives the girl a tight lip smile and looks at Mika with a glare. She wasn't ready. Even though there was nothing to tell, would she ever be ready to tell Chapa her news?

It's just that she may or may not be leaving Danger Force.

No biggie.

"I'm doing you a favor. Just talking to her" Mika mouthed. Julie shook her head as Chapa looked between the two girls with confusion. Mika faced Chapa and pointed to Juliana. "Julie has something she needs to tell you!" She blurts out. Julie's eyes widen.

"No, I don't" She says to Chapa.

"Yes, you do" Mika nods, pushing Chapa forward; "And so do you". 


Julie looks over at Mika and tilts her head practically telling her that the plan wasn't working. "You know to talk, one of you guys actually has to speak up first" Mika announced. "Do you mind?" Chapa asked Mika. "I do, actually" Mika answers.

"There's a hallway. Use it or go outside" She points towards the door and plops down on her bed.

"Okay..." Julie slowly gets out of bed and leaves the room first. Chapa follows the action and closes Mika's bedroom door. Chapa turns her head only to see Julie pacing, which only worries her more. "So..." Chapa's voice trails off. "So" Julie responds before it goes silent.

This was going to be difficult.

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