The percy wink

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The next day had arrived.

"Hurry up! They're coming" Ray said as he did the seatbelt for Schowz. " Alright, so, I found this old busted-up thing." Bose said pulling out an old wooden wheelchair. "Love it. Explain" Ray said. "One of the new kids will sit in that and the other will sit in this termite stool" Bose explained.

"What's a termite stool?" Juliana asked as she scrolled through her phone.

"It's a stool full of termites" Bose said, smiling.

Julie looked up from her phone and pulled her eyebrows together. "Wanna try it?" Bose asked. "No. I'm good" Julie says flatly. "Yeah, that's probably smart." Bose said as he put the stool down. "So, I was thinking-" Mika said as she got cut off by Bose. "Not finished" Bose said before he continued to speak.

"So, I'll use my powers all sneaky like and I'll make things float while using my throat to make the ghost noise".

He says as clears his throat and says; "Sooouuuppp!".

"Ghost don't say soup, Ose" Julie said as she played with her ring.
"Uh, yes, they do. They tell me all the time" Bose said. Julie looks up and gives him a weird look. Ray sighed. "Good enough" Ray said. "Where's scary Bradshaw?" Ray asked. "Oh, uh, Chapa is hiding in the closet with a chainsaw" Bose said and pointed to the closet door.

"When I give her the cue, she'll jump out and scare the new kids" Bose said.

"Like it, love it. I want more of it" Ray points his finger at Miles; "Whatcha got?".

"I plan on living with an open heart and a strong mind" the boy with locs says. "And I will remain like that 'til the solution presents itself" Miles smiled. "Who made you like this way?" Ray asked. Miles face turned serious. "The system" He said.

"I miss Henry. I miss Henry" Ray mumbled under his breath before he turned around.

"Okay, Mika what do you have?" Ray asked. "Okay, don't get mad, but-" Mika says as got cut off. "See that always makes me mad" Ray said. "But once I learn the kid's names, I'll put their information into a-" She got cut off again. "A supercomputer that will eat them!?" Raymond and Juliana said together.

"No!" Mika called out.

"Then I don't care" They said together.

Mika glared at Ray.

"Then what are you gonna do?" Mika asked. Ray laughed. "I'm glad you asked. It's a test of strength! Just like anything test of strength you'll see at any normal school" Ray said feeling proud. "No... Dad" Julie said as shook her head. "I've never seen that... " Mika said, shaking her head. "At what normal school?" Miles asked, confused.

"You see, the new kids will take this hammer and hit the button" Ray explains; "It'll make Schwoz go all the way up there and he'll hit the Bell".

"Hello!" Schwoz waved as he was seated in a chair. Bose waved back. "How is this gonna make them leave, Dad?" Julie asked leaning over him to see the object. "Oh, You'll see" Ray said with a smirk. "Stranger approaching".

"Alright that's them. Remember to act as mean as possible to these new kids" Ray says opened the door. The new kids, two British siblings, gasped as they walked in. The brother and sister were wearing dirty clothes. "Look at our new school Percy, I'm sure we'll love it so" The head girl says. "Indeed, we shall" The brown head boy, Percy said smiling at his sister.

Julie curls her top lip not liking them for a second. No one should be that happy as early as it was that morning. "And it smells so ever better than the bus station" The girl said. "That's because there's a bathroom here, kid" Shapen said standing behind them. The two siblings gasped.

"We shall finally be happy here in our new school, Miriam" Percy says as his sister, Miriam nods.

"Well, I gotta get out of here. It's free sushi day at the gas station and there's nothing like eating sushi in head-to-toe Bucci" Shapen turned around and showed off her Bucci pants.

Everyone just stared at her.

"Deuces!" She held up the peace sign and walked out. "Hello." Ray said awkwardly. "I am your new teacher, I will-" Ray said as he got cut off. "But you can't be our new instructor. You are far too young and handsome" Percy smiled. Julie gagged in disgust.

"Yes and your generous spirit is as clear as the kindness in your eyes" Miriam smiled while Ray just stared at them.

"And you're really pretty" Percy said to Julie as he winked.

"Um, can you just give us a second?" Julie asked and the kids nodded. She pushed the team into the closet and shut the door. "Okay, cool" Julie said as they all turned around. The team screamed together as Juliana hugged on Bose.

𝚆𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐚 *ˢˡᵒʷ ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉˢ* Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora