The Approval

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Once they were back, Mika went to go find the healing suit that was in schwoz's room.

Once Mika came back, Volt and Brainstorm placed Lil' Dynomite onto the healing suit. While working on it, Volt got worried about Julie. "Hey uh has anyone seen Julie" Volt asked. Volt waited for a second before getting a response.



"No, I haven't".

Volt sighed and nodded. "Cool" She says before continuing to work on the healing suit again. "Good thing ShoutOut found that healing suit" Brainstorm says. "Yeah, poor little guy, he just wanted to help" Volt says.

"Looks like they're gonna have to take spilt-feather condors off endangered species list 'cuz I just found the last spilt feather condor egg on the face of earth" Captain Man says as he walks into the man's nest with a smile.

That smile quickly fallen once he saw Lil' Dynomite in the healing suit.

"What's going on here" Captain Man asked. The room went silent while Brainstorm, Volt, and ShoutOut moved out the way. "That better be AWOL" Captain man stated. AWOL leaves from behind the healing suit and looked at Captain man.

"I'm sorry, what" AWOL questioned.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" Captain Man whines and drops his egg causing it to break.

He look down and yelled; "NOOO". He looked back at Lil' Dynomite, he got up and rested his head on his shoulder. "NOOOO" He cried.

"Never would have happened if you'd brought ol' chesty along" Chest Monster says.

Volt rolled her eyes and went over to chest monster. "Will you shut up, Chest Monster" Volt growled as she kicks the chest. "Ohhhhh you know it's true" He says. "He was so much better and all I need" Captain man cries.

The team rolled their eyes.


"Well, I hope you're proud of yourselves" Captain says to the team as ShoutOut was working on the healing suit.

"I mean we did save Lil' Dynomite by me teleporting him back here and finding that healing suit in Schwoz's bedroom" AWOL says.

"If it wasn't for you guys, he wouldn't need a healing suit to begin with" Captain Man stated. "You're the one who brought him here in the first place" Volt argued. "I was gonna give him my approval to marry Juliana, you know" Captain says.

"No, you weren't" Volt scoffed.

"Why would you even want to do that? I don't think you plan this out very well." Miles stated.

"Oh, yeah? Then how do you explain this GuGu search for 'how to let teens who are in love get married officially?', huh" Captain Man stated.

"They. Are. Not. In. Love" Volt spat as her fingertips sparked with electricity.

Brainstorm rubbed her back and ShoutOut rolled her eyes. "Relax, besides that search says 'Best Sausage near me' which is literally nothing like the first search that you claim it to be" AWOL says. Volt calmed down and brainstorm chuckled. "Don't try to change the subject" Captain said as he placed his phone in the back of pocket.

"You guys let this happen 'cuz you're jealous" He says.

"We didn't just let this happen and we weren't jealous of him" ShoutOut hissed. "Oh come not even a widdle bit" Captain man asked. "No, not even a widdle bit" She says.

"Not even an eensy weensy bit so widdle that it sets the world's wecord of widdowest amount of jeawousy" He questioned in a weird baby voice.

Volt shot a ball of electricty towards Captain man which he dodged. Her volts hit the healing suit. "HA, missed me" Captain Man chimes. Volt continued to shoot electric balls and she kept hitting the healing suit.

"Uh guys..." Brainstorm questions as he started to notice something.

"Stop" ShoutOut says as she went to go grabs Volt hands placing them down to her sides.

"You have worse aim than a storm trooper"AWOL says.

"Move" Volt hissed at ShoutOut, accidentally.

"Whatever" ShoutOut rolled her eyes. "Just admit and this will all be over, you guys were jealous" Captain says. "Okay fine, we were a little jealous" ShoutOut says. "HA- I got you, my plan worked and I got you on record admitting it" He beams as he kept repeating the video of his recording.

"Uh Guysss" Brainstorm called out in a worried tone. Volt noticed and walked up to him. "Give me the phone" Shoutout says.


"Give my sister that phone".


"GIVE IT" ShoutOut yells causing Captain Man to fly out of the room.

"Go get him please" Volt asked as the twins groaned.

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