Dsytopia to Swellview

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"Are you packed?" Asher asked. "Yes" Juliana said looking at her phone. "Can you get off your phone?" Asher asked. "No, you're not Dad" Juliana said as she rolled her eyes. Asher snatches the phone out of his sister's hands.

"Hey!" Juliana called out. "Let's go" Asher said. "Ugh!" Julie groans. "Later, Guys" Juliana said to Jasper, Henry, and Charlotte. "Later, Julie" They all said together.

Juliana held onto her suitcase and her older brother's waist. "Ready?" Asher asked. "Ready as I'll ever be" Julie said. Asher teleported out of his apartment bedroom.


Everyone was bouncing on exercise balls. The team, Danger Force was struggling to stay on top of them. "Alright, stop!" Ray yelled and stopped the timer he had going. Everyone stopped and rested on their ball. "Can we go home and study then tomorrow retake the test?" Mika said rather quickly.

"This isn't a test" Ray says.

"I just thought it would be fun for you guys to sit bouncy for a while" He shrugged. "Well if you think it's so easy, why don't you sit bouncy for a while" Chapa said, glaring at her teacher. Ray stared at the team and then blasted the exercise balls with his laser.

"Alright, let's start training" Ray said as he stood up from his chair.

Ray yelled, "Line up by the wall... Schwoz!".

Schwoz came in and was skipping wearing a train onesie while holding a giant lollipop. "I am baby and please don't take my lolli from me" Schwoz said with a bored tone. "Oh, we're gonna stop you from taking candy from a baby" Mika said realizing what Ray is gonna make the team do. "Oh, no, not me. You're going to be stopping..." Ray turned around and started doing something.

"Roy" Ray- Roy turned around with a mustache on his face. "Roy?" Bose questioned, confused. "It is the evil version of Ray- and I hope he doesn't take my candy from me" Schwoz said. "Yes, I'm going to be taking candy from that baby! So who's going to stop me first?" Ray asked.

"Okay" Chapa said and went in front of Roy.

"Get zapped" Chapa tried shooting her electricity powers at Roy. "Stop dodging... S-stop moving!" She stated, trying to aim at Roy. "I'm not doing anything" Roy said then he whispered; "Roy don't dodge". Chapa shot another lightning bolt. It bounced off the whiteboard and hit Schwoz on his head.

"Owie!" Schwoz rubbed his head.

"Failed, next!" Roy says as he does a dab. "Dang it!" Chapa huffed. Chapa walked back to her spot as her friend Bose went next. "Can you hear that? 'Cause I think a Brainstorm is a brewing" Bose said smiling.

"Nice line. Now let's see how you do against Roy" Roy said jumping up on his teacher platform. Bose tried using his telekinesis. He picked up a bat that was behind Roy. He hit Roy softly with the bat.

"Wow..." Roy said, unimpressed.

"Next!" Roy says. "Aw, man..." Bose said sadly. "Get ready to be "blown" away" Mika said, smiling with the use of air quotes. "Unnecessary air quotes. B-!" Roy said.

"Dang it!" Mika groaned before taking a deep breath. "Ahhh" It was like a fan on low was blowing on Roy. Nothing was damaged.
"Take that..." Mika said, embarrassed. "Took it. Next!" Roy said. "Sorry, there will be no 'next' " Miles said walking towards Roy.

"What?" Roy asked. "I believe the system will run its course and the solution will present itself" Miles said. "Miles, no-" Roy got cut off by the security alarm. "Stranger approaching" the alarm lady said.

"Byeee!" Schwoz squealed as he dropped his giant lollipop and ran away.

Everyone quickly went over and stood by the school supplies while the desk flipped over from the ground. Everyone ran to their seats, Ray ripped off his mustache and put on his blue teaching vest. Ray walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Dad!" Asher and Juliana said together. "Hey, kids" Ray said with a smile on his face. The two siblings walked in. "What's up, dangers?" Asher said to the danger force team. "Hey, Asher!" They all said together.

"We didn't know you had two kids Ray" Mika said. "Yeah. I would like you to meet Juliana, my daughter" Ray said. "Sup, D force? It's nice to meet you guys" Julie said with a hand wave. "Wait... you're Captain Man's mystery daughter!" Chapa realized. "Yeah, I am. We're not on that level to talk about that just yet" Julie said looking at Chapa.

"Hey, I'm Mika" Mika said. "I'm Miles" Miles said as he waved. "I'm Bose" Bose said with a smile showing off his dimples. Julie nods. "Chapa" Chapa says with a slight smile. "Cool" Juliana said.

"Well, I have to go unpack so I'll catch you guys later?" Julie said.

"Of course, sweetie" Ray said.

"Brother" Julie said as she looked up to her older brother because of how tall he was compared to her. "Sister" Asher said looking down at her. They both hugged with smiles on their faces. "Be careful out there" Juliana tells him. "I will, don't worry" He reassured her.

"Later!" She said before leaving with her suitcase.

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