28} This Isn't Goodbye

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"Louis, get the door please!" Jessica screams from upstairs.

I mentally groan in my head because I just got comfortable, but I didn't have a choice. Slowly getting up from the couch, I walk over to the front door to answer who ever is awaiting on the other side.

"Oh, hey." I say as I open the door to the pizza guy.

Struggling to get my wallet out of my pocket, I hand the man the money and take the warm pizza in my hands.

"Aren't you, um, Louis? The guy from One Direction, right?" The man asks me before I shut the door.

I smile, "Indeed I am."

He smiles and his eyes lit up, "It was an honor to serve pizza to you then."

I chuckle, "Thanks, mate. And I guess it was an honor receiving pizza from you, as well."

He laughs and makes his way back to his car. What a nice fella.

"Jess, I got the pizza!" I scream to wherever she's at.

Soon, I hear her rushing footsteps coming down the stairs with pure excitement on her face. Just the thought of Jessica can bring a smile to my face.

"You owe me the money back," I state, setting down the pizza on the couch.

"Says the millionaire," she says and plops down beside me, "I bet the pizza guy literally gave you the pizza for free anyways."

"Sorry, people just find me irresistible."

She rolls her eyes and takes a bite of her pizza. I grab the slice with the most toppings and lay back into the couch.

"You ready to go back on the road again?" Jessica asks with a smile on her face, "On the road again? Get it? 'Cause it's the tour's-"

"Yea, I get it." I say smiling with her.

She criss-crosses her legs and turns to face me, "So, what's it like being on stage?"

"Loud. Very loud."

She laughs that beautiful laughter of hers, "I bet. But like, how does it feel? I mean, your standing in front of thousands of adoring fans, it must be amazing."

I wanted to say, that its not as amazing when I'm with her - but it wasn't the right time, yet.

"Um, it's incredible. Yea, they're absolutely incredible. Just standing there, looking out into the crowd, its-its... agh." I explain.

She smiles and stares at her pizza, "Mate, your living the life."

"You should come with us!" I say, a bit too enthusiastic, "I mean, you could come with us for one night and see what it feels like. Our first show is in America, but you could come on the plane with us!"

She grins but looks down to her lap, "Yea, that sounds great but... I-I actually have a job internship."

This takes me by surprise, "Really? Wow. Um, where are you working, er, interning at?"

"I-It's a company that designs and builds new structures for other businesses and people. Basically an architect... or engineer."

"Where is it?" I ask, a bit concerned.

She bites her lip, "In London."

"What?" I say upset, "That's like hours away from here."

"I know, I know. But it's just an internship, not like an actual job... yet."

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