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After a few days of observation, Dr. Daniels discharged me home. I wasn't in danger of relapsing. Mom brought me clothes to change into and even helped me do my hair. Dad handled the paperwork.

And yet, as I sat there, waiting, I couldn't help but feel anxious. It wrapped around my chest, weighing it. The last time I was in a car, I'd been kidnapped.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Mom asked.

"We-we'll go together, right?" I asked.

"Of course," she said. "Your dad will call me when he's up front. Oh, that reminds me, Lisa called. She's been asking about you for a while now."

"She didn't believe the car crash story?" I asked.

My mom had brought me up to speed on our cover story. We added a car crash to the list of excuses. Thanks to Noah , it hadn't made it into the news. Other than the Royal family and my own, no one else knew what had really happened.

"She did," Mom said. "She's been keeping Brissa and the others updated on your health too."

"That's nice of her," I muttered.

Lisa probably knew the truth. Knowing her, she might have done to Alexander and asked about me. He would have probably told her the truth.

Mom's cell rang.

"It's your dad," she told me before answering.

"Emily," I heard Dad say. "The Royal family sent a whole escort for us. Didn't they say they wanted to keep this low key?"

"They wanted to make sure we got home safe," Mom told him. "I don't see the harm in it."

"At this point, everyone is going to know."

"They'll handle it. I'll bring Rin down so we can go home. See you in a bit."

She ended the call. "Rin, do you think you can walk or do we need to get a wheelchair?"

"I can walk."

It was a strange experience, walking. My body felt lighter like I hadn't been in a hospital bed the couple of days.

We met Dad outside; he had pulled up to the curb. Around our car, were two black vehicles; one in the front and one behind.

I stopped. "Are we sure they're from the Royal family?" I asked.

"Don't worry," he said. "I called to confirm and they did send us an escort."

I nodded.

Mom sat with me in the back seat on the way home. She kept her arms wrapped around me.

"When we get home," Mom said, "I want you to relax."

I gave her a look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, don't try to find out what happened all at once. You've missed quite a lot so I want you to ease into it."

The last good thing I remembered was being Crown Princess. People may still be upset about that. There was no time to relax. I needed to talk to my people.

"Alright," I told her.

When we got home, the house looked clean and organized.

"The Royal family sent us a maid," Dad grumbled.

He helped me to my room. Like Mom, he had his arm around my shoulders.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"They only did it because they feel guilty."

I bit my lip. I didn't want to argue.

Mom had prepared my room for me. She helped me into bed.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now