Well Wishes

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"Congratulations to the Crown Prince and Princess. May happiness and love follow your every step."

The guests bowed before walking away. Another couple took their stop and bowed.

"These are the ambassadors in the financial district," Alexander whispered quickly.

I kept the smile on my face as the couple held their bow for a few more seconds. It had been like this for the past thirty minutes. Anyone with a title was responsible for giving well wishes to the recently crowned couple (even though it was just me). Alexander and I had to sit through every one of them. Our seats had been raised on a little platform, so we had to look down on everyone.

I glanced at the line behind the ambassadors. It was out the door. My stomach tightened. The snacks throughout the day were no longer helping my hunger. Unfortunately, as the ambassadors left, they could go into the dining hall to their immediate left so I could see all the dishes on the tables. My mouth watered.

"These are good friends of my father's," Alexander whispered. "His first supporters. They retired from their positions but still have power over the Advisors."

I turned my attention back to the group of gentlemen bowing in front of us.

"I almost feel guilty," I whispered.

"Don't be," he said. "It's part of the job."

Almost an hour later, the last of the titled guests finished their greetings. The door closed to the room, leaving Alexander and myself alone with a few other staff members. Groaning, I stood, stretching.

"Are we done with this yet?" I asked.

Alexander smiled. "No. We have family and friends next."

My face fell. "Oh. Can we eat first?"


I sat back down. "I want to eat." Looking around, I didn't see any snack trays.

"Everyone else is eating," I protested.

"They're having hors deserves."

"That means they're eating."

"It won't take long," he promised.

Sighing, I sat back in my chair. I should have sneaked in snacks. Then I remembered my hair and sat up quickly.

"Wait, I don't have to change?" I asked.

"We'll change before we go to dinner."

My stomach growled in protest. "So, I still need to wait."

Alexander crossed his arms. "It feels like you're forgetting the importance of this ceremony."

I grabbed his hand. "Don't be jealous because I'm focused on food rather than you."

He pouted.

"You'll always be important to me," I told him. "I'm glad we can tell everyone about our relationship, and we don't have to sneak around." I paused. "Even though that was mostly me, but still."

"I'll forgive you this time."

The greeting for families and friends was less formal than before. No one had to bow. This time, Alexander and I stood to welcome the guests. We were allowed off the platform to greet them.

My parents were first, and they immediately flung their arms around me.

"You're so beautiful," Mom whispered.

They might have squeezed me to death if Alexander hadn't stepped in. Dad shook Alexander's hand, and Mom went for a hug.

"I'm so happy for both of you," Mom said.

We hugged a bit more before Mom and Dad reluctantly moved away. Next were Caleb and Ian. Caleb had a small child in his arms. She wore a pink dress with lots of ruffles.

"Hi," I said. "Welcome. Who is this?"

"Congratulations," Ian said. "This is Anabelle, or Annie for short."

"She's so cute," I squeaked. "How old is she?"

"Two," Caleb replied.

Annie looked at me, smiling. I spotted small fangs in her gums. I looked at Ian and Caleb.

"She's a newborn?" I guessed.

"Yes," Ian replied.

"She's adorable," I said.

Next up were the fan clubs. Amber threw her arms around me, squealing.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!"

Sandra pried her off me. "You're embarrassing us."

"It's all coming together," Brissa said. "I say we did an excellent job."

"You should have let me give you the VIP treatment," I told them.

Brissa waved it off. "Fans do thankless work. Besides, I'd be too nervous."

"Thanks for coming."

"Had to be here for support," Sandra said. "And we're here to grab pictures for posterity. The other members wanted evidence."

All the while, they snuck glances at Alexander.

"You can say hi," I whispered.

They shook their head.

"We'll look from a distance," Amber said. "We dare not fly too close to the sun."

I rolled my eyes and moved them along.

"They seem fun," Alexander said, leaning toward me.

"They've helped a lot," I told him. "They're . . .my friends."

He smiled. "Good."

"Congratulations to the Crown Prince and Princess." Lisa bowed.

"No need to be so formal," Alexander told her. "Rin thinks of you as a friend."

"You honor me," Lisa said.

"Thanks for coming," I said.

"Princess Cassidy sends her greeting and congratulations. She laments not being able to attend."

"We'll make sure to thank her for her good wishes," Alexander said.

"My parents send their regards as well and apologize for being unable to attend."

I grabbed Lisa's hands. "Don't apologize. As long as they're well, that's all that matters."

Strangely enough, Lady Hargrave wasn't in line. King Lionel and Violet weren't there either. I said as much.

"This is mostly for you," Alexander replied. "It's your ceremony. If anything, they'll be the last ones. Everyone is so stiff around them, so the King says."

"Good to know."

King Lionel and Violet entered the room as the last family friend left. The staff closed all the doors. Violet took my hands.

"I never thought I'd see this day," she said.

"We're not out of the woods yet," I told her.

"There's much of the night still left," Alexander added. "Plus, I'm . . .a little nervous considering all the attacks."

King Lionel placed a hand on Alexander's shoulder. "You let me and Noah worry about that," he said. "This is your night. Enjoy it."

"Where is Noah?" I asked. "I thought he'd be here."

Violet smiled sadly. "Well, after the wild accusations, he's been on a mission to uncover the truth."

"I'll make sure he joins the party later," Alexander said.

"Why don't you two get ready for the ball?" Violet suggested. "I'm sure you're ready for dinner."

"You don't have to tell me twice," I joked.

"You go on ahead," Alexander told me. "I'll talk to the staff about sending food to your dressing room for now."

I felt that wasn't the whole reason, but I didn't want to press the issue. If it were important, he'd tell me. I needed to be patient.

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