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Rin, Camellia, and Carlos talk. They track Henry.

After my encounter with Henry and Lady Hargrave, Miss Melanie gave me a few days off. Perhaps Lady Hargrave asked for it, or maybe my boss felt bad for me; either way, it gave me an excuse to go home after school and do some real work.

Once I had told Camellia about Henry, she disappeared for days. With no way to reach her (she didn't answer my messages), I turned to one of two people that could potentially help. Noah was at the bottom of my list. He was part of the royal family and couldn't be trusted . . . yet.

The second person, and the one on top of my list, was Carlos. Seeing how he had been part of a terrorist organization before, he would be able to help. He might have contacts among the Purists who would know about Henry.

I caught him one day after school, waiting for the neighborhood bus to arrive. Once I sent Joseph a quick message, I joined Carlos at the bus stop. Luckily, there weren't any others waiting.

"What do you need?" Carlos asked as a greeting.

I looked away. "I won't ask how you knew."

He shrugged. "You've only talked to me when you want something."

Nodding, I looked at him. "Yeah, sorry about that. Right now, out of everyone, you're one of the few people I can ask."

"What about His Highness?"

I sighed. "I want to help him without putting more stress on his plate."

Carlos rubbed the back of his head. "Rin, I'm not good at giving relationship advice, but you should tell him."

"I will, just not right now. I need more information before I say anything and end up with nothing to go on."

He shrugged. "All right, so. What can I do to help?"

"Really?" I asked. "You're being used, you know."

"I do have some things to make up for. Don't worry; Sonia is not going to know."

"She still clinging to you?"

He gave me a look. "She didn't do that."

I gave him a look. "Yes, she did. She talked about you constantly."

"I'm like her brother," he replied. "She always had to look after me when I was younger, and she was the only one in my corner."

"Sounds like she's smothering you."

He sighed. "What do you want? The bus is about to get here."

"I need you to find someone."

"Don't you have people to do that?"

"I need it to be discreet. I think he's one of the Extremists responsible for shooting His Highness and the terrorist attack."

Carlos gaped at me. "What?"

"Not so loud. But yeah, I have a picture. Can you track him down for me?"

"You need to go to the police for this? Tell your boyfriend."

"Fiancé," I corrected him. "But I can't yet. If I tell him, everyone will know, and I can't have it leaked."

Carlos gave me a look. "You're are taking a huge risk."

"I need to catch him," I insisted. "Please."

The squealing wheels in the distance alerted us of the approaching bus.

"I'll try," Carlos said, "but I can't promise you anything. But you seriously let your in-laws know."

I waved at him as he swiped a card inside the bus. As it pulled away, I returned to Joseph. He gave me a worried look before driving me home. Due to other scheduling conflicts, Mr. Adams had pushed our meetings to a bi-weekly schedule. I knew the real reason was that he only took me on as a favor to Violet. Either way, I was grateful for whatever I could get.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now