Love, Strength, and Trust

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"Miss Borek, it's time."

I looked at the mirror, practicing a relaxed smile. My cheeks hurt from the effort. Giving up, I stood. The gems around the sweetheart-shaped top sparkled underneath the light. I practically had to kick at the fabric as I made my way out of the powder room.

My palms were sweaty. We had almost everyone at the ceremony. There was only a handful that refused. Lady Hargrave was not one of them.

All I needed to do was walk down this hallway. At the end, Alexander waited for me. Together, we'd walked down the stairs where everyone would stare at us. I took a deep breath and walked down the hallway with a bodyguard and an event staff member behind me.

I took another deep breath. I turned to the event staff. "Is my hair okay?"

"Perfect,' she answered.

The hallway ended, and Alexander waited at the end. My legs felt like jelly as I approached. Alexander grabbed my hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I tried to smile, but I didn't think I succeeded.

"Fine," I squeaked out.

He chuckled, brought my hand to his lips, and kissed it.

"We can cancel the whole thing."

I shook my head. "We can't. Everyone put so much effort into this. It wouldn't be fair."

"If you're sure," he began.

"I'm just nervous. Don't worry about me."

"Let me know if you want to leave. I'll make it happen."


He tucked my arm into his, and we walked down the stairs. The lights were blinding. A blue and gold-colored garland spiraled around the railing. The carpet softened our steps. We walked the first curve, and I saw the sea of faces. I gripped Alexander's arm tighter.

At the end of the staircase, the crowd below us parted to let us pass. I stared straight ahead as we walked past. The ballroom had been set up with an altar on the opposite end of the room. Behind it stood King Lionel and Lady Violet. They would have us recite an oath of partnership, and then we'd celebrate.

"Breathe," Alexander whispered.

I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath. I let out the breath I had been holding slowly. Against my better judgment, I glanced at the people around us. I didn't recognize anyone. Then I realized my family would be within the sanctum. Only family and close friends were allowed within the ceremony space.

Once we crossed into the ballroom, I could breathe easier.

Rows of seats had been set up on the left and right sides of the room, with only a gap to form an aisle. Soft music began to play as we headed to the altar.

My parents sat in the first row. My mom's teary eyes made my chin tremble. I quickly looked away. I wasn't getting married, but it sure looked like I was.

We stopped in front of the altar. There were two-floor cushions. Alexander helped me to sit before he sat on his. We faced each other. Between us was a small drink table with six small cups, three for me and three for Alexander.

"Today marks the beginning of a grand journey," King Lionel began. "A journey that transcends lifetimes and peoples."

As King Lionel spoke, I kept my gaze on Alexander. He twitched a bit. I gave him a look, and he shook his head. Had something gone wrong? But the guards remained where they were.

"Let's raise our cups to love."

That was our cue. I picked up the first cup from the right. We held it to the center before drinking the warm red liquid in one gulp. Mine tasted like apple cinnamon tea. Alexander had said vampire partners would bring blood but didn't elaborate.

"Love represents commitment. Commitment to a partnership. Commitment to a journey together."

Alexander twitched again. His head was slightly turned as if he was listening to something. Two possible things would distract Alexander. The first dealt with security, and the second was someone bad-mouthing me or us.

"Did something happen?" I mouthed.

"Later," he returned.

"Let us raise our cups for unity and strength," King Lionel said.

Alexander grabbed the second cup. I quickly followed and drank from my cup.

"Strength represents more than carrying physical burdens. One must also carry the burdens within one's heart. Burdens are not flaws, for they are proof of one's existence. And what better way to share existence than being able to carry each other's burdens in unity."

My knees ached. When we rehearsed, the ceremony had been shorter. Now, I hadn't realized how long it would take. A cold gripped my heart and squeezed. What if something did go wrong? What if I was right about Lady Hargrave, and she would try something during the ceremony?

I took a deep breath. Relax, I told myself. You've done everything you can. Enjoy the moment.

"We raise our cups to trust," King Lionel continued.

I grabbed the last innermost cup and drank from it.

"Without trust, bonds become frail and break," King Lionel continued. "May you continue to build trust between each other."

At this point, we needed to stand again. Alexander held my hands and helped me up. My knees creaked. We walked around the cushion to stand on the left side of the altar. Violet stood in front of us, holding a pen. On the altar was a document that would grant me a title.

"May you find success and wisdom in a future together," she said. "May your names bind you to each other and help you through dark times."

Alexander took the pen and signed his name on the document. He handed it to me, and I scribbled my name beside his.

Most would think the ceremony was over, but we were about to show them how wrong they were. Even Lady Hargrave wouldn't expect this. Initially, we said the announcement and engagement ceremony were the two we were doing, but we decided to take it further. It was Noah's idea.

Before the altar, I kneeled again with Alexander's help before joining me. A murmur passed through the crowd.

I had this part memorized. A staff member would bring the crowns out. King Lionel would place them on our heads one at a time.

"May you carry this bond with strength, commitment, and love," King Lionel said.

Moments later, the heavy crown was placed on my head.

"Please rise, Princess Rin. Prince Alexander."

This time, I heard a few protests and gasps. I hid my smile as I stood. From this moment forward, I was officially a princess.

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