Ice-cream Break

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We walked back to the lounge room together. On the way, Noah acquired a laptop from one of the guards.

Mom and Violet were still in the room but this time, they were combing through some papers. Alexander wasn't back yet. Noah sat beside me and booted the laptop. I tried to peak at the screen but he gave me a look and I went back to my work.

At least with Noah on board, it would be easier to help Alexander. It felt as if he was doing the most sleuthing since he had access to a lot more than I did.

"I got some pieces of the attendant's face," he suddenly said. "If I can reconstruct his face, we'd have a lot more to go on."

"How long till that happens?"

He shrugged. "Depends on how good I am."

I raised an eyebrow.

He grinned at me. "Don't worry, I'm very good."

"Shouldn't the security team be doing this?"

"Yes but that hasn't gotten us anywhere. "

I glanced around. "Won't you-know-who get mad though?"

"Since when has that stopped you?"

It hadn't but maybe I needed to be more careful. Maybe with Noah taking most of the load off my shoulders, they wouldn't pay too much attention to me. But I couldn't back off that easily. I had to keep going.

Unfortunately, it was now a matter of waiting. With the bidding ceremony on the horizon, we didn't have much time for much. We spent the rest of the day catching up on school work.

Noah kept us updated on the progress but it wasn't often. Alexander went as far as to say how it was good we were getting along. Plus, it was good for our image. Everyone getting along meant no wild rumors would appear, hopefully.

After our lunch date, half way through the new week, Lisa caught me after school. I didn't have my internship and Alexander had gone ho­me early to deal with work.

"Rin, got some time?"

I spotted Joseph by the car.

"Sorry," I said. "I completely forgot- "

"No worries," she said. "You do look like you need a break."

"Yeah but I don't have time."

Lisa hooked her arm with mine. "Let's get some ice-cream and I can call Cassidy so we could all chill."

I bit my lip. "I don't know."

"Come on. It'll be fun."

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