Let Me Hold Your Papers

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After our ice-cream break, we dropped Lisa off at her neighborhood. The shadows lengthened as we drove down the road. I thought to leave her at the gate but Joseph flashed some sort of papers and the gate keeper let us in.

Few minutes later, we dropped Lisa off at her house. It was a small building with two stories and lights on at every window. I waved as she walked in and we drove away.

"About worry about it," he said. "Everything I did was legal. The Royal family wanted to give you a free reign to explore."

I frowned. This was the first I heard of this. What other secrets was he keeping from me? And what did he mean about free reign? I decided against simply asking him about it (Joseph probably wouldn't tell me more). Still thinking about his words, I found myself in front of my house. By this time, the sky had darkened even more. As quickly as possible, I slid out and hurried inside.

Part of me wished, I'd let my parents know where I'd gone. Dad was in the kitchen when I entered. He had a brownie in one hand and a mug in the other. I waved at him and went upstairs. Heard the showering running on my way to my room.

Cassidy's advice was easier said than done. I didn't know the protocol of visiting the Queen Consort. I should ask Alexander but he was busy with the bidding event. Even if I did manage to convince him, I wouldn't meet her until after the bidding process. Maybe asking for lessons from the royal family wouldn't hurt.

Plus, Alexander's condition might improve too. The serum could wane at any moment and Alexander would be a vampire again. While that was good news, it meant he would be busier and time to visit his mother wouldn't happen any time soon.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, I didn't have time to ask. From day to day, we were busy. School work piled on and Alexander had to go back to online classes. I often found myself sitting alone.

On one such day, Carlos joined me. The cafeteria was noisy as usual. I picked at my food, more tired than hungry. I didn't notice when he joined me until he slid his phone across the table.

Frowning, I looked up.

"Got a new lead," he whispered.

That got my attention. I pushed my tray to the side and leaned in. "What did you find?"

Carlos got quiet. "It doesn't look like much," he began.

"Spit it out," I said.

"Well, the forum has been bustling with talk of the bidding event."

"It will determine what kind of community they'll build," I reminded him.

"Yeah but this is different. They're talking about something big. Like a reveal or something. Something is going to happen."

I pursed my lips. Something big should happen but I doubt we were thinking of the same thing. Noah hadn't mentioned anything about secret dealings. He also hadn't mentioned any progress on finding the assassins. I couldn't blame him. He was busy too.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now