Pep talk

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As Rachel and I worked to send the orders out, I thought about meeting Alexander's mom. I hadn't contributed anything meaningful yet. All of my help could have been done by someone else. How could I meet her like this? Sighing, I continued to type of the delivering address on my work laptop.

"Need a break?" Rachel asked, closing a cardboard box. She started tapping it closed.

"I'm fine," I told her. "Just got a lot of things on my mind."

"I'm sure."

Right. She did know my relationship with Alexander and if she didn't, I'm sure Rachel had her suspicions. Since I was here, might as well take advantage of the situation.

"Is there a way to get a copy for your event portfolio?" I asked. "I'd like to start planning for . . .the announcement ceremony."

"Yes," Rachel said, a bit taken back. "A client can sign out the portfolio."

I gestured to the boxes. "When we're done here, or when you have the time, if I can sign that out please."

"Sure. You'll need to make a formal request as well since we're providing services."


I made a mental note to ask Alexander about my budget.

As my work day winded down, we somehow managed to send out all the invitations. Luckily, we didn't have to go out of our way to drop them off ourselves. As my time ended, Rachel started printing out the contract in regards to their printing services.

I followed her to Miss Melanie's office. It wasn't a long meeting. Miss Melanie said all expenses were taken care of and I had full liberty to choose whatever I wanted. She explained the contract part by part and even mentioned sister companies that could take care of everything else that needed to be done. When everything was said and done - signing contract, payment break-down, she put everything in a blue folder.

"We look forward working with you," Miss Melanie said.

I smiled and walked out.

Joseph waited for me out front.

"Sorry," I said, hurrying over. "I needed to get some stuff taken care of."

"I'm in no rush. Ready to go home?"

"Yeah," I said.

Once inside the car, I texted Violet. There were only a handful of days before meeting Alexander's mom and, if there was anyone who could help me prepare it would be Violet.

I got a message back almost a minute later. She wanted to meet at Juice on the Move! in ten minutes. Joseph took a turn. Luckily, we were too far from the café. As I waited for Violet, I ordered myself a drink and a fruit cup.

Half way through the cup, Violet walked in. Her bodyguards spread out around the room.

"Did you wait long?" she asked, sitting.

"Not at all. Sorry for asking you to come here."

"I like coming here."

Almost immediately after, one of the bodyguards brought Violet a Styrofoam cup.

"You mentioned getting helped," she began.

I bit my lip. "Alexander and I are visiting his mom this weekend."

Violet glanced at me "I was briefed," she began.

I stabbed a pineapple. "Is . . . There anything I should know before meeting her?"

"That's a tall order," she said. "I haven't spoken to her in many years now. But I'll try to answer any questions you might have. However, I do advise you to speak with Prince Rothchester."

"Then, please tell me what I should know."

Violet took a sip from her cup. "The Consort is very traditional. Her policies always put vampires first."

I nodded. "So, Alexander dating a human . . ."

"It's been many years," she told me. "I know the Consort loves her son very much. Don't sweat the details."

"Should I bring her a gift?"

She smiled. "It's not necessary but I can send you details of how to greet her properly using royal customs."

"Yes, that would be great."

"Don't force it," she continued. "Show her your sincerity."

I nodded. "Right, I can do that."

I thought back to Alexander's tutor, Mr. Adams, when he first came to school. Maybe he could teach me and I told Violet as much.

"I'll get you his details," she told me.


We finished the rest of our snacks in silence. There were a lot of things to prepare for. I needed to be ready.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now