Auction (Part 2)

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An hour or so later, Marco came to find us. We needed to do a wardrobe change. Jayla helped me once again. This time. My hair and make-up would be more elaborate, like my gown. Felt like I was getting ready for prom. 

Alexander waited for me outside the room. He had changed too and this time wore a suit to match my mul­berry colored dress. My heels were a little taller than I would have liked.

A smile appeared on Alexander's lips. "Good evening, my lady," he said bowing.

Blushing, I did my best to curtsied.

"If I may," he continued. "I would be honored to escort you tonight."

"I'm in your care," I said, try­ing to suppress a laugh. 

He laughed and took me by my hands. One arm hooked around his arm. "I won't leave your side," he assumed me.


The dinning hall violet and Noah were at the VVIP table at the front of the room. It was rectangular in nature with grand chandeliers, and fancy carpeting. There were gold-colored trimmings wrapped around the room.

Alexander and I walked in thro­ugh a door closer to the front of the room. I tightened my grip on Alexander's arm. There would be six of us at the table. Two of those which I didn't know.

Violet smiled as we approached. Ale­xander pulled the chair for me. I sat and he pushed the chair back in. Noah was busy chatting with a couple at the table.

"They're our business partners," Violet whispered to me. "Mr. and Mrs. Margot came to us with a proposal."

I gave her a grateful smile.

Soon after, dinner was brought out. Myself and the Margots got a plate of appetizers. Noah had requested a simple four course meal. I focused on my meal. Occasionally, I would smile and nod, but that was the extent of my social arsenal tonight. 

That didn't mean I wasn't paying attention though. The Margots  excitedly talk about the project with everyo­ne. Mrs. Margot was excited for the playground and community center. Mr. Margot was excited about the libraries. It was nice to see them so passionate.

"Sorry," Alexander said as the main dish was brought out. "I've been distracting them so you won't have to talk much."

Oh, so that's why they hadn't spoken to me. I wasn't sure if I needed to introduce myself or someone would do it for me. 

"Thanks." I whispered. "Once I get used to being seen, I can try talking to people." 

He winked. "I'll be there to help."

I ate my meal more comfortably. In truth. I was looking forward to the chocolate fountain. Crêpes were also an option and gelato. All three sounded just fine to me. 

The night winded down after des­sert. We moved into a hall where guests continued to mingle with alcohol. I walked with Alexander, greeting everyone. He introduced me in a few words. 'Lady Rin', he called me. I was grateful he hadn't included our relationship just yet. 

Half way through the guests, I tried hi­ding a yawn. It wasn't successful.

"Come on," Alexander said. "Let's get you home."

"You sure?"

"You've done enough," he said. "I'm sure your parents don't want you out too late."

We turned to the door and Alexan­der suddenly stopped. I followed the direction he faced and caught a gli­mpse of Violet and Noah hurrying out of the room. A panic surged through me.

"What's wrong?"

Instead of answering, we hurried to the exit. We found Violet and Noah in a private powder room. Two bodyguards stood around them. Then I noticed our own bod­yguards behind us.

"What happened? "Alexander asked.

"See for yourself," Noah said.

He turned the television in the room on. The news anchor's mouth moved but I couldn't hear it. But as the images flashed across the screen, it wasn't necessary. My eyes widened.

"The embassy got attacked," I wh­ispered. 

"A gas attack," Violet supplied. "It's not poison and everyone seems to be in good health."

Below the news anchor, a single line repeated. 'Vampire Embassy attack.' 

"Are we safe here? "I asked.

Alexander squeezed my arm. "Don't worry," he said. "Everyone is safe."

 A sudden video started to play on the television. The video opened with a logo. A crest with a spear and a sword cro­ssing to make an 'x'.  The crests disappeared and words scrolled down the screen.

'If you like humans so much, join them.' 

The video stopped.

"Those bastards," Alexander growled.

"Who are they?"

"Extremists," Noah replied grimly. "They want a world where the stro­ng devour the weak."

 I could see who were the 'strong' in this scenario.

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Why a gas attack?" Violet asked. "What will this accomplish?"

"Join them," I whispered. "At the embassy. Were there vampires? I mean, mostly Vampire officials?"

"For the most part,'' Noah replied.

I looked at Alexander. "Technically, you're human, right?" 

The realization dawned on everyone at the same time. These people wanted to turn all human-sympathizers into actual humans. Alexander's "assassination" attempt was just the beginning.

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