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I found a laptop in the back with a sticker on it 'Archives' in the back part of the room. There was a desk shoved into a corner and there was even a scanner. Apart from that, the desk was empty. 

I started by looking through the filing cabinets. Files were sorted by year and month. I shifted through the boxes and found files. From what I gathered, I probably had to scan these files back in and put them in their proper place. 

Considering I didn't know anything about scanning files, I decided to start sorting through the boxes first. They were all from this year but the months were different. I was halfway through the first box, when the door beeped and opened. 

I looked up at my place on the floor. A woman walked in with an armful of files. 

"Oh, hello," she said with a smile. "I've got more for you." She squeezed into the room and placed the files on the floor. "Thanks bye."

I started after her with barely a chance to talk. Did that really happen just now? Shaking my head, I kept working. No use in starting on those right now.

An hour before leaving, the door beeped for the second time and someone walked in. This time, it was a man. He looked young - maybe in college. He looked around with a frown.

"Hello?" I said.

"Oh hi," he said. "I'm looking for Rin."

I stood. "That's me."

"I'm Richard," he said. "Jayleen said you could help with making copies."

This time, I frowned. "Who?"

"Dark hair, brown eyes. Short?"

"No, sorry."

His frown deepened. "She gave you your orientation?"

"I didn't get one."

Richard shrugged. "Maybe later then. But she sent an email. So . . ."

He wanted me to make copies.

I looked at the files. It was this or that.

"Lead the way."

The copy room was beside the elevator where Jesse and I got out from. Richard showed me how to use the copier, where to find paper, and the job requests.

With a "good luck", he left. Luckily for both of us, I didn't need luck. If anything, I was a little pissed off and disappointed. Sure, this spot was practically given to me but they didn't have to be so obvious in their dislike. Or maybe I was reading too much into it and yet, I was sure this wasn't how an internship should start. 

When the clock reached four, I went back to the archive room and grabbed my backpack. No one stopped me. I took the elevator down. Jesse was at the receptionist desk, typing away at the computer.

"I'm heading out," I told him. 

He scrambled to his feet. "You're done?"

"No," I said. "Well, bye."

I turned on my heel and walked out quickly. So far, this was the worst experience ever. Something must have been lost in communication.

Joseph waited outside for me. He stood by the car, arms crossed, with a frown. 

"Hey," I said walking up. "Is something wrong?"

He jabbed his thumb toward the car. Frowning, I looked inside and saw the last person I would've expected.


My gut twisted. Why was she here? What did the mafia want this time?

"It's fine," I said to Joseph. "Let's go please."

Camellia smiled as I slid in beside her.

"Good work today," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't mean to be rude but I doubt this is a social visit."

She smiled again. "Straight to business, I see. Fine." Her smile disappeared. "Why are you talking to a terrorist?"


"This morning," she continued. "Seeing how you're now almost a celebrity, it's best if you don't associate with known members of the Purists."

I stared at her for the longest time. It took a while for me to wrap my head around what she had said.

"You're eavesdropping on me?"

Camellia shook her head. "Only him."

Yeah. Made sense but it felt wrong somehow.

"So, what's your renewed interest with the Purists?"

I glanced out the window. "You don't know?"

She smiled. "We've heard rumors of the Prince's condition."

Gritting my teeth, I frowned at her. Sure, rumors. Nothing happened without the mafia knowing about it.

"Is that all you wanted to know?" I asked. "About Carlos?"

She titled her head. "About the Prince's condition," she began.

"Why should I say anything to you?"

"I seem to remember a certain deal," she said.

My face burned. Of course they were going to hold that over my head. I turned away.

"If you heard rumors then that's all you need to know," I said. "At this point, we don't know anything at all."

Camel tapped her chin. "We need a vampire on the throne," she said. "This can't get out. No matter what. We'll have to limit his contact with everyone."

"You can't lock him up!"

Camellia barley spared a glance. "Not right away," she assured me. "Gradually. We'll have a contingency plan in place."

"What in the -?"

"Wouldn't you like to spend more time with your Prince?" she asked. "Isn't he busy all the time? Look at it as a reward. Enjoy his human self while you can."

"Sounds like you know how to turn Alexander back."

She titled her head. "It does, doesn't it?" She shrugged. "I have no such knowledge."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "You still haven't said what you want."

"Oh? Hmm, then in that case, when the time comes, convince your prince it's better to step down. Enjoy the break."

"He wouldn't -"

"Just do as your told," she said. "Debts must be paid after all." She clapped her hands. "Oh, we're here."

I looked out the window. We were in front of my house.

"Bye bye Rin. We'll keep in touch."

Camellia stepped out of the car. Panic surged through me. The mafia knew about Alexander being human. Somehow it felt like they knew more about what was going on. If that was the case, I needed to get in their good graces. Which meant for now, helping them. If it helped Alexander, it wouldn't be too bad.

Feeling a headache, I thanked Joseph and walked into the house. He seemed oblivious to the whole conversation. I wouldn't be surprised if Camellia had used her Allure to modify his memories of ever being in the car in the first place.

The strong smell of chocolate wafted over me as I walked in. I found Mom in the kitchen, cutting brownies.

"Congratulations on your first day of work," she said. "How was it?"

"Uh, fine?"

"I baked brownies to celebrate."

Tiredly, I smiled. She sure knew how to take my mind off of things. Well, if anything, I welcomed the break. After all, things would get tougher from now on.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now