Letting the Cat out of the Bag

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As he worked on the paperwork for the event, I finished up more of my work for my classes. After everything I had to do to become a senior, I was not about to fail before graduating high school. 

As time passed and it got closer to the end of school, I texted my parents. I told them I was meeting with Violet about the internship at their house. And I might have also told them I was asked to stay for dinner. My parents didn't like that. 

"Rin, this is the second time you're going over," Mom said over the phone.

I stood and walked over to the window. Luckily, Alexander was engross­ed on his laptop and, hopefully, hadn't heard me lying about getting invited for dinner.

"It is about the internship," I told her.

"You're not asking for permission." This was Dad. "You're just telling us what you're doing."

He wasn't wrong.

"It's about the internship," I repeat­ed. "Isn't it better to talk somewh­ere you both know? I don't have to stay for dinner. I can come home."

Mom sighed. "That's not the point," she began. "I don't want you overstaying your welcome."

"They invited me," I reminded them.

"Alright," Dad said to my surprise.

"Just don't overstay your welcome and no, you're not sleeping over."

"Don't worry. I'll behave. Thanks. Love you both. Bye."

I ended the call before they cou­ld change their mind.

"What did they say?" Alexander asked behind me.

"I can stay for dinner," I replied.

"They didn't sound too happy about it though."

"You heard that?"

He shrugged. "You're volume is really loud."

Blushing, I made a mental note about that.  "Oh, sorry. They said it's fine though."

"Thanks," he said. "I don't think I could do this alone."

"Don't worry. You got this."

When dinner came around, Alexander and I put a small dent into our resp­ective work piles. It wasn't much but it was progress. Working beside Alexander was nice. Come to think about it, this was probably the most time we had ever spent together recently.

Trevor announced that King Rothchester and Violet were on the way home. He left with a bow. That's when Alexander started pacing around the room, tablet in hand. He would look at the screen for a mo­ment then at the door. It continued like this for ten minutes. I submitted a discussion board before finally speaking.

"Relax," I told him. "Breathe. Everything will be okay."

He sighed. "You're right." He walked around again.

"Why don't you get ready for dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll go do that."

Trevor came in while Alexander was gone.

"Dinner will be served shortly," he announced. 


Time stretched and Alexander wasn't bad yet. Was he hiding? Trevor came back and said they were ready for us and still no Alexander. I knew he was feeling nervous but the sooner he told the King the sooner we could set a plan into motion. 

I left the room and went looking for Alexander. It was somewhat familiar but I couldn't exactly remember where he slept. Luckily, a few passing aids point­ed at the correct location. A few minutes later, I came to a familiar door.

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