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A thin film of vapor hissed out of the air vents. They did this every two hours, making it easy to keep track of time. It had almost been six hours since I was brought here.

Within that time I discovered a panel with buttons. There was one for a bed, another one for food/drinks, and one for the bathroom. Nothing happened when I pressed the button for food. But a bed raised from the ground and a door opened to a bathroom when I pressed the buttons.

Someone had planned this out very meticulously. It might be a stretch but, these people were too prepared like they had been working with someone and knew what would happen. But that didn't make sense, right? Why would the mafia and the vampire hate group work together?

Unlike Antoine, no one had talked to me yet. Were they watching me instead?

There was supposed to have been a trade. It was obvious now that the mafia had lied. So, where did that leave me? Where did that leave Alexander?

Pacing around the room, I chewed on my fingernail. I needed to get out of here. If I could find some way to send a message or call for help.

I glanced at the button panel. Maybe, I could do something on my end. Reaching the button panel, I started pressing all the buttons at the same time. I pressed them until my fingers were sore.

Frowning, I inspected the panel. It wasn't bolted down so maybe with enough force I could yank it off the wall. There wasn't anything sharp I could use as a wedge.

I looked down at my red fingers. Then down at my feet. I did have my shoes. I yanked the small, thin mattress off the table-looking bed and stood on it. The panel wouldn't be too far from my foot.

I used the wall to support me and stomped on the panel. If they were watching me, someone would come to stop me. But I didn't stop. My heel pulsed with the third stomp.

I wiped my palms on my clothes before placing them on the wall. One last stomp should do it. As I raised my foot, the flights flickered and turned off. The door clicked open.

For a moment, I didn't move. Then I bolted. I ran out of the room and into a hallway. But unlike the one I had come in through, this one was made of concrete and lightbulbs were hanging from the ceiling. I didn't bother to look back. I ran without a second thought. Something must have caused the power to go off. I needed to take advantage of the situation and find a way to escape.

There were many left and right turns but I couldn't see any hint of an exit. After running for a few minutes, I stopped. I looked around again. This seemed like a hospital of sorts. There had to be stairs. I had found a few doors but they led to empty rooms. 

As I moved through the hallways, checking the doors, I heard voices nearby. Freezing, I pressed myself against the wall and sneaked forward. Looking left and right, I peeked down the hallway. Luckily, I didn't see anyone. 

"Find her! She couldn't have gone far!"

I froze again. The voices were closer now but where were they? That's when I hear the footsteps behind me. 

Swallowing my panic, I bolted to the left. There was a supply closet in this hallway. I opened it and ran in. Pressing my weight against it, I locked it. Maybe they wouldn't look in here. But what if they did? If they found a locked door then they would feel suspicious. Against my better judgment, I unlocked it and tried to find a place to hide. 

I crouched down behind a stack of old cleaning supply boxes. A shadow moved next to me. 

Swirling around, I came face to face with Lady Hargrave. Her hair was disheveled. Thick yellow veins pulsed along her neck and face. When she looked at me, her eyes were unfocused. 

The door burst open and I jumped. I put my hands on my mouth, trying to hide my heavy breathing.

"That vampire b*tch," the woman mumbled. "She should have gone quietly instead of making us run around like this."

Wide-eyed, I looked at Lady Hargrave. The vampire hate group, they weren't looking for me. They were looking for her. Had she caused this power outage?

A shadow fell over me.

Gasping, I looked up and saw the woman. She was in her mid-thirties with curly blonde hair. But when she saw me, she didn't speak. I shifted away and realized, the woman wasn't looking at me at all. 

I turned to Lady Hargrave. She held the woman's gaze with her own.

"You didn't see anyone," Lady Hargrave rasped. "Leave and look somewhere else."

The woman didn't move. Lady Hargrave's brow furrowed.

"Leave," she repeated. "You didn't find anyone here."

"I - I didn't find anyone," the woman repeated.

 Like an obedient servant, the woman walked out the room and closed the door. Lady Hargrave leaned against the wall, paler. 

I shifted further away from her. "What did you do?" I asked. "Why are you here? Why are they after you?"

Lady Hargrave looked at me. "I didn't think they'd keep you alive," she mused.

Cold sweat rolled down my face. Was she behind my kidnapping? Had she planned all of this? 

"B*tch," I called her. 

Lady Hargrave smiled, albeit it was a small smile. "Yes, I've been called that many times before."

"It was you," I continued. "You want me out of Alexander's life."

"At least you understand that."

I gaped at her. "What did I ever do to you? Why must you hate me so?"

Lady Hargrave sighed. Her eyelids fluttered. "You're not worthy of my son," she said. "You bring nothing to the throne. What could you possibly do for my people?"

My eyes stung in anger. "I deserve a chance."

"To ruin us?" she asked. "You think I haven't looked into your background? Not so long ago you were a vampire's plaything. What makes you fit to stand beside my son?"

My palmed itched. I hadn't ever hit someone older than me but it was tempting.

"Funny," I growled out, "considering it's vampires that have been kidnapping me. It's been vampires that have harassed me and tried to control me. Save your petty insults because I'm sure they'll want you way before they come after me."

Hugging myself, I looked away. She wasn't wrong. I didn't bring anything to the table when it came to being with Alexander. But I wasn't entirely hopeless, I could learn. Was it so wrong that I wanted to be there for him? I wouldn't do anything to embarrass him. 

Lady Hargrave groaned. A moment later, blood sprayed across the floor. I scrambled to my feet. Lady Hargrave coughed in her fist. When she removed her hand, there was blood on it.

"Wh-what did they do to you?" I asked. 

Lady Hargrave grinned again. "Humans," she said. "It's always human. It seems like they developed a nice little poison."

Sh*t. I didn't like her but I didn't want her to die. She might be the only way to get out of here. Plus, she was Alexander's mom.

"We need to get out of here," I said. "If you don't get treated, you might - well, you could die, or something."

Another smile. "You're trapped here as much as I am."

"What of your guards?" I asked. "You didn't come here alone did you? Besides, you still haven't answered my other questions."

"Does it matter?"

I growled. "Where are your guards?"

She closed her eyes. "I don't know."

Great. Just great.

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now