Brownies make good breakfast

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Alexander disappeared for the rest of the day with Noah. I stayed in Alexander's office replying to comments on the forum. Trevor helped with the official wording. I also used my account and that distracted a couple of people. Trevor even showed me a sudden article that popped up.

The only press conference for that day was the announcement of the families reuniting, momentarily. The news even showed a video of families being guided to their family members. However, the actual officials were never shown due to 'privacy'.

My dad sent me a message late in the afternoon to come home for dinner. At the time counted down, I reluctantly stood from Alexander's chair. I had been somewhat helpful. I knew I wasn't ready to do this full time but if I could solve some of Alexander's problem maybe he wouldn't be stressed. Looking into ways to destressed might be something else I could for him. He was human now and we didn't know for how long. The only thing to do was try 'human' ways to destressed.

"Apologies Prince Rothchester couldn't walk you out," Trevor said as he lead me to the door. "He got caught up with the reporters."

I smiled at him. "I understand. I'll call him later. Thanks Trevor."

The ride home was quiet. I didn't remember when I fell asleep. All I remembered was the door opening and Dad walking me back into the house.

"Hungry?" he asked me half to the kitchen.

I yawned. "Yeah. What's for dinner?"


I managed a couple of bites before my parents sent me upstairs. Somehow, I managed to shower before crawling into bed. I might have sent Alexander a message but I couldn't remember.

When I woke up again, it was dark. Wide-awake, I turned over and looked at my phone. It was 2am and no new messages. After a few seconds of investigation, I realized, the message never sent. Groaning, I erased the messaged. No point in sending this now.

As I thought about what to send Alexander when I woke up again, my phone buzzed. A new message.

'I'm outside.'

I scrambled to my feet and tip-toed to the window. As quietly as I could manage, I opened it up. A cool breeze wafted inside. Shivering, I looked down but didn't see anyone. Frowning, I doubled checked my messages. I was sure Alexander had texted me.


I jumped just as Alexander climbed through my window. Shivering, I quickly closed it.

"How did you get here?" I hissed.

"I had one of my bodyguards bring me," he whispered back. "He's keeping a look out."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed. "It's cold," I told him.

Once underneath the covers together, I snuggled into him. At a closer feel, he wore a hoodie. His arms wrapped around me.

"It's so cold," he agreed.

"Why are you awake?"

He kissed the top of my head before answering. "We just got done with everything for the day. Well for yesterday."

"Any news on the officials? Have they . . . turned?"

"Not yet," Alexander replied. "Maybe the gas is slower? Who can say? Dr. Daniels is working around the clock."

"That's good at least."

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the extra warmth. "Sorry, I didn't call you. I fell asleep."

"It's fine," he said. "You worked hard."

"You too."

Feeling warm, I slipped my hands under his layers of clothes and rubbed his back, as much as the layering allowed. It was a little awkward but I made it work.

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