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"Opened this one next!" Mom said excitedly, handing me yet another gift.

It was a wrapped box with a bow. In the overly decorated living room, I was surrounded by wrapping papers and opened boxes. It was also a reminder, Alexander and I hadn't been able to decorate anything together. There hadn't been enough time for us to spend time together.

"Go on," Dad said.

I tore the wrapping away and opened the gift box. Inside was a set of pajamas and fluffy socks.

"Now I can match with you guys," I said. "Thank you."

Mom snapped a picture of me. Consciously, I patted my bed hair down. When she dragged me out of bed and seven in the morning, she had only allowed me to take care of my morning needs before dragging me in front of the Christmas tree. I was still in my pajamas and I hadn't combed my hair yet. She and Dad on the other hand were dressed in matching family pajamas but at least their hair was combed.

"Please don't post that," I begged.

Mom waved it away. "Don't worry. Only family will see it."

That didn't make me feel any better.

Looking around, there weren't any other gifts under the tree. I had opened a combination of five gifts so far which included new coloring tools and books, along with nice clothes, and socks. Mom had gotten jewelry, yarn, along with some bath essentials. Dad had gotten more gardening tools, a new watch, and sunglasses.

"We'll head over to the main house after breakfast," Mom said. "We got the royal family a few gifts. We should hand them over."

I bit my lip. "I don't it's a good idea," I said.

"Something happen?" Dad asked.

"Lady Hargrave sold the brooch I gave her," I confessed. "Alexander said he'll talk to him mom. That was yesterday. He hasn't told me anything yet."

"The b*tch," Mom scolded.

Dad and I gaped at her.

"Mom!" I said.

"Emily!" Dad said at the same time.

"You don't know what that means," she began, flustered. "On the website, it had all the meanings of the brooch. If your brooch is given away, it means they don't accept you."

My chin trembled. No wonder Alexander had gotten upset. Lady Hargrave had sold my brooch in front of so many people. It had been broadcasted as well. She had told the whole world she didn't want me by Alexander's side.

"B*tch," I echoed.

A cloud of darkness settled around us. I sighed and looked around. It wasn't our home. We were visitors.

"Lionel and Violet approve of you," Dad suddenly said. "Your mom and I also approve so you shouldn't worry about what Lady Hargrave did. It's like she's throwing a tantrum because she's not her son's favorite."

"I doubt she would do this if it was a vampire dating her son," Mom grumbled.

She had a point there.

"I don't want to worry about it," Mom continued. "It's Christmas. Rin, put your matching pajamas on and we can exchange gifts with the Royal family."

"Are they going to be in pajamas too?" I asked. "I don't like being under dressed."

"It's a holiday," she replied.

I didn't trust that. Instead, I reached for my phone and texted Alexander. 'Morning. Happy Holidays! Are you wearing pajamas or dressing nicely?'

A quick reply. "Pajamas."

I bit my lip. Should I ask him more?

'Thanks. See you soon.'

"Well?" Dad prompt.

"Pajamas," I said.

Twenty minutes later, I had showered, combed my hair, and dressed warmly in plaid pajamas. Diana and Ms. Bouis helped me into my thick coat and boots. I felt like a walking marshmallow.

The three of us trekked down to the main house. It was a short walk but it felt like an eternity. I held onto two bags with gifts in them while Mom had other two bags. Dad made sure neither one of us slipped and fell. While it was not a white Christmas, it was freezing.

Mr. Trevor met us at the back door and ushered us in. He helped us with our coats and shoes. Our boots were traded in for comfy slippers.

"The family is in the living room," Trevor said.

Feeling self-conscious, I followed my parents to the living room. As soon as we walked, I was pulled into hugs. The last one was the best.

Alexander's hug filled me with warmth.

"You doing alright?" he asked.

"I'm okay," I told him.

Alexander pulled me to one of the couches. There were gifts scattered around the tree and on the furniture. At a closer look, the royal family was wearing matching pajamas, also in plaid. It seemed like Violet and Mom wanted all of us to match. It was cute though.

"These are a few gifts," Violet was saying. "To show our appreciation and as our soon-to-be extended family members."

I thought to all of Alexander's siblings and wondered if they got gifts from their father. Did they even have a good relationship with Lionel?

"Rin?" Alexander asked, holding out a gift.

"Thanks," I said.

I took the gift and sat on the couch. As my parents were busy chatting, I opened it. Inside was a pocket sized photo album. Gingerly, I reached inside and flipped through the book. It was photos of us since he first attended high school - playing games in study hall, the ice skating rink, even when we danced at the ball.

"I know we haven't gone on many dates lately and we don't spend time together but I wanted to give you something to remind you of us," Alexander said.

I smiled at him. "I love it. This brings back a lot of memories. Thank you."

Trevor went around and handed out the gifts we got them. Mom had specifically hand made them scarves. Noah wrapped his around his neck and settled back on the couch and continued to type away at his laptop.

"Thank you, Mrs. Borek," Alexander said. "These are great."

"I need to plan a whole outfit around it," Violet added.

Mom's ears turned pink. My gifts weren't as homemade as Mom's. Instead, Camellia had helped me with these when she hadn't been busy chasing down leads. I had gotten each of them a pin with the royal insignia on it.

"Please don't feel burdened to wear them," I quickly said.

"Burdened?" Alexander asked. "I'll wear it whenever I go out."

I smiled. And yet, despite the warmth and atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel anxious. Alexander had been so upset the other day. There was no way he wouldn't confront Lady Hargrave. My stomach twisted. Something happened and he hadn't told me yet.

I glanced at Alexander. He had his new pin on his pajama top. Be optimistic, I told myself. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.

Trying to push down my anxious feelings, I settled next to Alexander. He draped his arm around my shoulders. For now, I would enjoy this moment and prepare for what would come next. 

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now