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Orientation had started by the time we reached the auditorium. We checked in and snuck in quietly. All the Seniors were packed inside. We barely found seats in the back. 

Ms. Kim was on the stage with a few of the faculty behind her. Most of them were teachers for the seniors. The girls and I found a seat in the back of the room. 

"During your internships," Ms. Kim continued. "Use every opportunity to learn. Keep in mind, you represent our school, your parents, and yourself. Start with a good impression."

She continued with her speech with following expectations, rules, and to not do anything we shouldn't be doing. The next part of orientation was how to keep track of work hours, pay stubs/ statements, etc. It. was nothing I had to worry about now (since I didn't have an internship) but it was something I had to know about eventually.

Almost an hour later, we were released to go about our day. some were immedi­ately going off-campus while the rest of us went to class. The girls and I went our separate ways. Unfortunately, we didn't have the same classes but we did share a lunch period so that was nice. 

According to my new schedule, math was first. As I walked towards the main building, I saw a couple of familiar faces from last year and a couple of vampires from last year too. Some of them waved and it occurred to me that they probably knew I was dating Alexander.

I offered an awkward smile and kept walking. How was I supposed to act in these situations? Was there like a protocol I had to follow? At least no one was swarming me which was great. 

First class of the day was Math. Mr. Keller waited at the door of the classroom and handed us a sheet of paper as we walked in. It was an introduction paper - a bingo card to be exact and each box had a description; find someone who can say the alphabet backwards, who traveled out of the state, etc. 

I spotted Lisa in the back and next to her was Sonia. Curiosity got the better of me. I took the table beside them.

Due to lack of space, our classroom was in a converted science lab. Along the walls were a eye-wash station and a hazard shower in the back. Instead of desks, we sat around large black islands and stools.

"Hey, Rin," Lisa said as I sat.

"Oh, hey,'' I replied trying to act casual.

"Didn't know you stayed in town."

"Yeah, I wanted to graduate here so my parents let me stay with my uncle, Ian."

"That's great. What did Cassidy say?'

"She was sad but we talk on a regular bases. Haven't talked to her recently. Converting a government is no easy task."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"How's the Prince?"

"Busy,'' I replied. "The housing project is super important."

"No school?"

I shrugged. "Online. I think."

Sonia turned away as Lisa and I talked. I wanted to ask Lisa how she had managed to befriend Sonia but that would have to wait. It' would be nice if Sonia was a little open minded now.

"What up ladies?"

That voice. I had almost forgotten about it. Almost before a flood of memories rushed in.

Please no, I thought.

I turned in time to see Carlos. He had grown his hair out into a buzz cut. I didn't think they would have allowed him back into school after working with terrorists. He must have seen the look on my face because he put his hand on his chest like he was wounded.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked me.

I looked away. Was he really pretending like his little group of Purists hadn't threatened me? 

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now