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Despite Camellia's words, I didn't have time to ponder them past the time it took for me to get home. I waved to Joseph and went inside. Both of my parents were home. Mom gave me a quick snack before I went to my room.

There were too many items on my to-do list. From homework to online classes, and quizzes, there wasn't enough time. I finished the priority ones before dinner and worked on the ones that had a weekend deadline afterward.

It was half-past ten before Dad reminded me to go to bed. I somehow managed a quick shower before crawling underneath my blankets in the dark. I don't remember falling asleep.

Most of the next morning was a blur. I think I dozed off at some point. I skipped lunch altogether. Instead, I had Joseph pick me up early so I could sleep in the backseat. I placed my backpack under the seat.

"Let me know when we get there," I said, lying down.

"Miss Borek," he began.

I covered my eyes with my arm. "It's Rin."

"Right, I don't mean to pry . . . but you feeling alright?"


"Anything I could do to help?"

"I got a lot on my plate," I replied. 

I closed my eyes. Maybe having an internship this semester was a mistake. Maybe I was too greedy. 

All too soon did Joseph wake me up. Blinking owlishly, I sat.

"We're here?"

"You got a few minutes. I brought you lunch."

I took the plastic bag from him. Inside was a turkey sub and juice. "Thanks."

After a quick lunch, I felt more awake. My eyelids had weights on them but I think I could make it through the afternoon. I used the last few minutes to fix my hair. 

"I'll leave my backpack here," I said. 

With my phone and card in hand, I stepped out of the car. I expected to see Jesse at the receptionist desk but he wasn't there. Even the second receptionist was different. 

"Welcome," said the woman to my left. "Can I help you?"

I stepped closer to her. "No, I work here."

"Oh, you must be one of the interns. I'm Rachel, by the way. Need any help finding your way?"

"I'm Rin. But no, I remember where to go."

Rachel frowned. "Borek?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Miss Melanie has been waiting for you."

"Who's that?"

"They didn't tell you anything, huh? She's the manager. She's in charge of your training. Had an emergency yesterday so she couldn't meet you."

"Jesse gave me a tour," I began.

"Really? I bet you didn't get any actual training." She shook her head. "Wait here. I'll call Miss Melanie."

It didn't take long for Miss Melanie to come to greet me. She was a short woman with curly hair. 

"Hi, good to meet you," she said. "Violet told me she was sending help."

"Oh, yeah," I said. "Here to help."

"Great, follow me and I'll get you caught up." 

We stayed on the first floor. I followed her behind the water wall to the end of the hallway. 

The Vampire Prince graduates High School (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now