Times are Changing

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By the time Alexander and I had walked around the venue at least twice, I was ready to sit down. Alexander led me back to the table. Luckily, no one stopped us.

"I'll get you a drink," he said. "Wait here."

"I'm not going anywhere," I promised.

I had hoped for a moment of rest, but I should have known better. As soon as Alexander left, a flock of ladies came crowding around. They were covered in jewelry and hairspray. I couldn't tell who was who. They didn't even bother to introduce themselves.

"Congratulations on your ceremony."

"It's amazing."

"I can't believe so many officials came."

"You must be so happy."

The ladies looked around, smiling, making eye contact with other party members. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to get rid of them. It was obvious they were more focused on being near me than conversing with me. Mr. Adams had warned me about people like them, but I still wasn't good at dealing with them. 

I looked around, hoping to see my parents or even the fan club, but they were nowhere in sight. Maybe they were eating dinner. Alexander also said not to go anywhere, but what took him so long? I could use this time to hide in the restroom. They wouldn't offer to come with me, right? 

"Well, ladies," I began.

"You have no class."

I froze. That wasn't me. Who said that? The ladies around me all looked at me. Then I saw the culprit behind them. 

"Lady Hargrave," I squeaked. "What brings you here?"

"To rescue you," she said with a smile. "I didn't think it was appropriate for the lower class to hang around royalty, don't you think?"

"Times are changing," I offered. This was not happening. I wasn't ready for this.

"I hope boundaries and common sense don't change," Lady Hargrave replied. "Now, let me introduce you to our officials. Come dear."

I shivered at her words. This was my way out, and it wasn't good.

"That's my cue," I told the ladies and stood. "Please enjoy the party."

Lady Hargrave smiled as we walked away. To think she had been close by just when those girls had surrounded me. I wouldn't be surprised if she had sent them in the first place. 

"Don't pay them any mind," she said. "They only want their ten minutes of fame. And perhaps some endorsements of their failing business. They need a new representative, you see. Don't let them take advantage of you."

"I don't make rash decisions," I told her.

Lady Hargrave chuckled. "Of course, you don't."

We walked to a group of officials on the far side of the room. Of the three, one was taller than the others with hawkish features. Another was of average height with a monocle; the last used a wooden walking stick. Lady Hargrave did all of the talking.

"Good evening, gentlemen," she said. "So glad you could make it. I started to worry when your invitations weren't answered."

"I'll talk to my assistant," said the man with the monocle. "Was there anything else?"

A smile froze on Lady Hargrave's face. 

"Thank you for coming," I said, stepping forward.

The three gentlemen finally noticed me. A nervous smile pulled at my lips.

"Lady Borek, thank you for having us," said the tall man. "I am Louise. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I'm Antoine," said the man with the walking stick.

"You may call me Oziel," the last man said.

"You're too kind," I forced out. "It's my pleasure of having you attend."

While I didn't know who they were or what they did, Lady Hargrave had wanted to talk to them. They were important. As long as I didn't slip up, they didn't have to know that I had no idea who they were. 

"I was surprised to get an invitation," Oziel confessed. 

"We didn't want to leave anyone out," I said. "Everyone is welcomed."

"Some might say that isn't a good idea." As he spoke, Louise looked at Lady Hargrave.

I swallowed thickly. This wasn't good. 

"Times are changing," I began. "I think there are times when we need to start listening to each other again."

"There you are." Alexander appeared beside me, drink in hand.

The three men bowed.

"Didn't realize you took a walk," he continued.

"Don't be upset," Lady Hargrave said. "I invited her. There were some circumstances she needed to get away from."

She didn't have to say it like that. She was either insulting me or someone else. It was hard to figure out what she wanted.

"None at all," I said.

I turned to the three men. "If you will excuse us." I grabbed Alexander's arm and pulled him away.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "They didn't do anything to you, did they?"

"No. Lady Hargrave walked up to them first. They were friendly to me. Why?"

Alexander handed me the drink. "They're old blood," he said. "Traditional. I was surprised to see them."

I sipped at the drink. "They were nice," I told him.

"Well, that's enough surprises. Let's say good-bye to your parents so you can get some rest."

"I'm fine," I began.

He gave me a look.

"Okay. Yeah, maybe I'm feeling a lot tired than I look. What about you?"

"I'll stick around," he said. "The after party hasn't even started."

"Fine by me," I said, fighting a yawn. "Let's go before the reporters write an article about me not staying awake."

He smiled. "I think they're write one anyways," he said. "Don't worry. It won't make it to print. No one needs to know about your bedtime."

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