37 - Ordeal

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Screams. From all of us as Usopp turned the wheel to dodge the deadly disc coming at us. Luckily, we somehow managed to dodge it. Not so luckily, it turned and came at us again. "I'm sick of this place. We're never going to make it!" Usopp yelled out in his very pessimistic ways. "I'm going back, I don't care what you say!" Usopp cried out to which Luffy rejected. "If you go now, you'll most likely die!" I yelled to the long nosed boy, effectively shutting him up.  

The deadly disc came flying back at us, "Alright you! Gum-Gum..." Luffy stood and prepared to deflect the disc. Sanji, Usopp and I yelled out our encouragements only for the rubber boy to just stand there, and the boat almost get cut. "I can't think of anything!" I know people don't always work well under pressure but come on, Luffy! We almost died!

"Just dodge! Our only option now is to run!" Sanji yells out as he and Luffy start paddling. I fly to the back and push the boat, giving it even more speed as Usopp stirred and dodged the disc. Thankfully, the disc got caught in a tree, so we didn't have to worry about that anymore. 

"I think we finally outran it. Awe, but this is bad! Now it's too late to go back! I can't even see the entrance anymore," Usopp whined out. "Did you want to get off?" Luffy wondered, the sniper glared, "Don't be stupid! I'd die!" 

"Yep, just like Y/N-chan said," Sanji noted, both of us seeing the giant worm looking thing pop out of the water in front of us. I jumped when a weird loud screech came from next to me. Oh. It's just Usopp.

Sanji took the initiative to jump up and kick the creature away, "What was that? A snake?" Luffy asked who knows who. "A lamprey. A 'sky lampre,' I guess? One that big will do more than suck a little blood!" Sanji informed us, "Well duh! That thing is big enough for all four of us, plus the boat to be eaten. Whole!" I tell the blond with a newfound fear. 

I took a breath and sat next to Sanji, since he's the calmest. Hopefully, it'll calm me down too. "What a neat forest!" Luffy thought out loud. "Neat, my butt! If this is our so-called ordeal, I've had enough!" Usopp retaliated, I sighed. "We can't quit yet. We just got here." And the thing about what Luffy is saying, even if we wanted to leave, I don't think we could. 

"We've got to keep moving. We can't stay on this milky road longer than we need to. Otherwise, we're asking for certain death," Sanji said, attempting to encourage us, I think. Either way, we kept our steady pace and went along the path.

After a while, Usopp muttered under his breath, "Come on.. I wish this would end already." Luffy, who had been relaxing in the back, spoke up with his usual grin. "This is probably a warm-up! Supposedly, we're going up against five super-deadly priests that are already waiting for us on the island!" 

"So, you're saying none of this was part of our ordeal?!" I shook my head to Usopp. Technically, I still don't know what an ordeal is, but it has to be more challenging than giant axes and spears and sharp discs that follow you plus a couple of sky lampres. Right?

"Yeah, I doubt it. You saw the magnitude of that attack back at the docks. I don't know how it works, but that's some incredible power. One hit from that, and you're a goner. This Enel isn't to be taken lightly, that's for sure. Seems like he's been keeping constant watch over us..." I looked up to Sanji. Now that he mentions it, I do feel like we are being watched. But not in the way he's imagining, I'm sure. Whoever this guy is, he has Chikara. And it's strong. In a way my people learned it. It's definitely not the kind of power Shanks or Geezer-san has. 

"That's weird So you think he was in that town?" Luffy asks the cook. "He'd have to have been, to attack us as accurately as he did," I opened my mouth to insert my thoughts, but Usopp beat me to it. "No, not necessarily. We are talking about a God here! He might be able to foresee everything! He might even be watching us at this very moment!" 

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