4 - Skyfall

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I had taken Law back to the ship by picking him up and flying there, much to his dismay. On the ship, Jackie was probably going to yell at me if he hadn't seen Law. Doc saw him and wanted me away from him immediately. He said something about hearing that it is a very contagious disease to which I replied, I have a very strong immune system. Law muttered something about the doc being wrong, so now I'm curious about that. Controlling his anger, Jackie asked me about Law. I didn't get to respond because Law randomly yelled that I had helped him and for me not to get in trouble. I really appreciate it.

Law was still shivering, so I wrapped my jacket around him and took him to rest in my hammock. He thanked me and curled up to continue his crying.

When I walked out of the room, my wings lowered along with my head as I slowly went to Jackie. He looked at me and immediately started yelling.

"Y/N, what the hell?! Why did you go off on your own?! You could have gotten hurt! I saw pirates everywhere there and they were all fighting each other! Not only that, but there were marines there as well! Do you want to be taken from us?!" I flinched at his words. "J-Jackie, I'm sorry, but-" He grabbed the neckline of my shirt and pulled me to his face. I yelped.

"Don't but me! If you were taken, you wouldn't only get yourself in trouble. I have a crew to look after, Y/N. You're only here because you got that picture for us. If you're going to act like a child and run away, I'll treat you like a child." He said everything with venom and I could tell he wasn't joking.

"You're grounded. If you want to go somewhere, one of us, preferably me, will accompany you. As for your little friend, I'm leaving him with a friend on Swallow Island. You are going to stay within my view while on this ship. Is that clear?!" He increasingly got louder, I nodded my head, muttering a low 'yessir'.

Getting to Swallow Island was a very quiet trip. No one on the crew really talked to me, I'm sure they all regret taking me in on their crew. Throughout the entire trip back to Swallow Island, Doc was the only one to talk to me. But that was only because I wanted him to help Law with his disease. Doc only said, "Sure."

By the time we actually got to Swallow Island, Law had healed his disease with his power. He was still very upset and he didn't want to talk to anyone. He only ate food if it was with me. Jackie allowed me to eat with him so that I would be with someone.

Jackie went to tell Law that he was going to take him to a friend's house to stay at. Law did not respond to him, he just sat by me. Jackie said I could go with them to Jackie's friend's place. Now that we are on our way there, I think I'll ask Law why he will only do things if it's with me.

I look back to make sure we are far enough from Jackie so he wouldn't hear. "Law, why won't you do things unless I'm there?" I looked over at him. His cheeks had a tint of pink. "I heard the conversation when you got grounded," he muttered lowly. I let out a low oh.

"Can I ask why you were crying when I found you?" I asked, wanting to get to know him, even if just a little. "The guy I look up to died," he said sadly. Maybe that guy I healed was the guy he looked up to. I should tell him.

"I hate every Marine and government dog, but him..." he sighed. Maybe not. The guy I healed looked like a pirate. "Other than hearing your argument with that pirate, I have a weird gut feeling about you. I can't explain it, but I feel comfortable around you." He explained, looking away from me with furrowed brows.

"We're here," Jackie said, coming from behind us. I looked up, noticing a small house. The guy who lived there introduced himself as Wolf and welcomed Law. It didn't take long, so Jackie and I went back to the ship quickly. The walk was quiet between us.

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