16 - A Little Visit

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I flew all day and night, only really stopping to use the restroom. During the day, my senses were filled with the sound of thundering waves and the feeling of the wind blowing past me. At night, the waves were still crashing into each other, but they seemed gentler in a way. The stars shown brightly over my head. The sight got me to realize that the trips I take looking for an adventure, are adventures in and of themselves. I can take my time, look around and enjoy the sights.  

Before I go to the Grandline, Loguetown is a must to visit. I want to see how Smoker-san, Barto-Mayo, and Desire are. It feels like forever since I last saw them. This time I will not let a bunch of people who fear me get in my way. Now that I'm 15 and my wings are a lot bigger, they're hard to hide. Actually, they're big enough that I could hide in them.

Landing on the small island, a sign above my head says Loguetown. With a bright smile, but trying not to think of the beating I got when I was last here, I walk into the town to look for Smoker-san. The townspeople give me all kinds of looks including disgust, fear and nostalgia.  could tell some of these people remember me. 

It wasn't long until Smoker-san, some men, and a girl, around 18, came running towards me. Since I saw them while I was eating, I tried to finish devouring the fish on my plate so I could quickly look up again. Smoker-san didn't seem to recognize me, probably because my wings were hidden by the shadows. I stood and walked to him, and he froze when he realized who I was. "Y-Y/N?" He asked with wide eyes. The men behind him were all confused. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Men, leave. This isn't some dangerous criminal. Tashigi, you too." The blue haired girl, who I suppose is Tashigi, looked between Smoker-san and I. Then she left like the rest of them. "What are you doing here? I thought Garp was looking after you." He asked with a sigh, grabbing a new cigar and lighting it. "All he ever did was beat me and his grandsons whenever we said we didn't want to be marines. He just dumped me with an old lady in the middle of the woods." I said laughing a bit at the end. Smoker-san looked surprised then he sighed, again. "Why am I not surprised..." He muttered causing me to laugh. 

"Okay, now what are you doing here, in Loguetown?" He asked, while putting his weight on his back leg and crossing his arms. "I'm going to go to the Grandline and to explore. I wanted to see you before I go." I said with a smile, "I also wanted to see Bartolomeo, do you know where I can find him? Also is that the jacket I made for you? It looks good!" I questioned and commented.

He scoffed with the corners of lips pointed slightly upwards. "And here I thought you might have came all this way just for me." He said with a roll of his eyes. I giggled, "Come on Smoker-san! I'm excited to get my adventure started! I've been on the same island for far too long. It's not like this will be the last time we see each other. Hey, maybe, just maybe, we'll see each other again on the Grandline!" I suggested with a smile.

Smoker-san sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Follow me and I'll show you to that green haired, mafia, bas-" I laughed as he started saying the name he gave Barto-Mayo. He started walking away so I followed him. "Are you flying or sailing to the Grandline?" He asked, blowing out smoke from his cigarette. "I'm flying, I never learned how to sail." I replied. He nodded, "Then it would probably be easier to go through the Calm Belt. Just don't get to close to the water and you should be fine, kid." I smiled at the helpful information, making sure to make a mental note about it.

"You probably don't have money either, huh? I'll have to give you some if you want to survive." He mumbled more to himself than to me. "You don't have to give me money. Actually I don't want your money. I'll manage on my own, somehow." I explained to him. He sighed and nodded. "Do you at least have some food?" He asked nodding his head in the direction of my bag. With a bright smile, I nodded and showed him a small sandwich that I had made. It was my favorite type of sandwich, and now that I look at it, it's so perfectly made I almost don't want to eat it. I recall having to wipe a tear away in pride after I made it, that's how beautiful the sandwich was.

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