36 - Run

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Sanji, Usopp and I rush down the many steps to catch up to Luffy. When we got to him, the boys called out to tell him to slow down. "What's the big idea? Where are you wandering off to all of a sudden?" Luffy looked back at up with a calm face. "You heard Nami. If we stay, we'll only cause more trouble for Conis and her dad." I smiled, yep, I was right. 

"Alright, well where are we going?" Sanji questioned the boy, I looked over from the blonde to the captain. "Isn't it obvious? The sacrificial altar," He answered like it was the most obvious thing to do, I looked back to Sanji. "And how are you planning to get there?" The blond questioned the brunette. Luffy turned to face Sanji, his eyes on the ground as he thought. Sanji grew irritated, "You have to think about it?!" 

The brunette turned and pointed towards the cloud ocean, "There you go, we can just swipe one of those boats and head up the milky road, easy." I sweatdropped, he was pointing out at the sea yes, but there was nothing out there. "Easy huh? Do you see any boats out there?" The blond pointed out aggravated. Luffy hummed in thought, I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, he had to think about whether he saw boats or not, what a silly goose.

"A boat wouldn't do us much good anyway. Not if all we have to go on is this old map. I can't even tell where we are on this thing. And, look, the milky road isn't even on here at all!" Usopp explained with the map in his hand. Luffy frowned, until we heard footsteps coming up from behind us. My Chikara was still bad but it was getting better, I was able to feel Conis' presence from a few yards away. "Excuse me," She called for our attention in a weak voice. Sanji turned to her with a smile, "Conis-chan! Did you come all this way to see us off?" Sanji asked happily.

"My father asked me to help you make your way to the sacrificial altar..." Usopp, Luffy and I gave a closed eye smile. "Pagaya did?" We asked, happy with their consideration. "I'll accompany you to the Angel Island docks. There, I'll prepare an appropriate boat for you." I placed a hand on my heart, her sweetness felt like too much. "Wow! You're too perfect! Nothing like a certain scatterbrain I know!" Usopp smiled wider, I chuckled. 

"That's for sure!" Luffy agreed, I laughed more.

"I was referring to you!" Usopp yelled to him, I fell to my knees laughing. 

Sanji was looking at Conis with his heart eyes bulging out of his sockets. "We'd be delighted to have you accompany us, Conis-chan! Right, Luffy?" Luffy just stared up at the girl as I finally caught my breath and stood back up.

After a strangely intense pause, Luffy smiled, "Sure, we'll take you up on that offer! Lead on lady!" I frowned, she's trembling. Her smile quite obviously did not reach her eyes. We all followed her back up the stairs, an intense air hanging over us. I glance at the bushes, the White Beret captain was following us, I could pick up his presence with my Chikara. 

At the top we saw a town, Conis told us that we have to pass through it to get to the docks. The town is called Lovely Street. On our way up, Sanji, Usopp and I had to beat up Luffy for being 'inconsiderate to our friends and their safety'. 

Once at the beautiful and lively street, we all looked around amazed by this place. Luffy more so than the rest of us. If I'm being honest, I stopped listening to Conis here. My attention being pulled by everything around us. The children playing. The adults shopping. The interesting fashion styles. One thing I did notice however, were the glares and scowls that were directed at us. The silent unwelcoming air the citizens raised as they separated and stayed away from us. I could tell Sanji and Usopp felt it and noticed it too. 

Usopp stopped to point it out. "Can't say I blame them. Word's probably gotten out that we're criminals. So what else is new?" Sanji muttered, I suppose he's right. It just felt like there's more going on.

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