6 - When Will I See You Again

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It didn't take long for the crew of the ship we were on to find us. Since Sanji was still a little blue, I wanted to make sure to protect him. Thankfully, I didn't need to. The crew was all very nice, and let us stay on the ship. Most of the crew were chefs and Sanji felt right at home. I felt happy for him, though, I knew him settling here meant that I'll leave soon. I haven't talked to him about it, though.

To get my sewing skills back, I made Sanji a chef outfit and fixed the crews clothing. They were thankful but weary of me, I think they are scared of my wings. I also made a cover for myself, I wear it all the time so the crew isn't as scared of me. Since I made this one in a rush, it's not the most comfortable thing I've made, but at least it still works.

I was on the deck watching the sun rise. I woke up before some of the crew so it was quite peaceful outside. The waves crashing into the ship, the light breeze, the calming smell of the ocean. I close my eyes, a smile reaching my lips. It feels like I'm the only one alive right now. When I open my eyes I'm greeted with a dolphin jumping not that far from the ship. Looking up I see a seagull gliding through the air above me. My eyes follow the bird until I'm looking out at the sun again.

In my peripheral vision I see blonde movement. I turn my head and see Sanji staring at me with wide eyes and an agape mouth. A light pink dusting his pale cheeks. Has he been staring at me? How did I not notice? He shook his head and smiled, the pink still present.

"H-Hey Y/N, I'm going to help with breakfast, do you want anything? I'll make it for you!" He offered to me. I smiled softly and looked back at the sea. "Sanji, I need to tell you something," he nods his head slowly. "Sanji, I first left home so I could find an adventure. You left to be a chef and you're here, being a chef. I want to leave... to find my adventure. I mean..."

I look at him when he grabs my arm and see his eyes watering. "You're leaving?" I nod. He looked down then wiped his tears. "Okay, I want you to be happy so, if leaving w-will make you happy, you should go." He looks at me with a shaky smile. I didn't think he would agree so easily.

"When are you leaving?" He asked while wiping some tears. "I don't really know, I haven't really thought about -" He interrupted me, "Tomorrow, you should go tomorrow." His words surprised me. "I heard from one of the guys we'll be close to an island tomorrow, were not stopping there though so you'll have to fly. And -" I interrupt him when I notice tears starting to fill his eyes. I gave him a hug.

"Have I ever told you, you are the best?" I ask him still clinging onto him. He hugs me back and we stand there for a bit until someone came out of the kitchen to get Sanji. When Sanji leaves, I wipe the tears that were streaming down my face.

I went to the table and waited for the food to be done. Some of the crew came to table too. All of them sat as far from me as they could get. That was another reason I wanted to leave. Sanji came to me doing a weird wiggling dance and gave me a plate. I giggled, and he sat by me. "What's with the dance?" I asked him while tasting his food. It was delicious. "I just thought it would make you happy, did it?" He responded, to which I nodded and smiled brightly.

After we ate Sanji went with some of the guys (why are crews filled with so many guys?) to wash the dishes. The rest of the guys stayed with me, much to their dismay. One chef came over to me, "So, did you brainwash Sanji-san to be your friend?" His question took me by surprise. "W-What?" I asked, completely confused. "I'm just saying, y-you're not going to kill me for it, a-are you?" He was now scared and started backing up. I've never had someone fear me so much. It hurt.

I spent the rest of the long day quiet and separated from the crew. Sanji noticed something was off, but I just told him to enjoy his time with the others, and that I was just feeling a little homesick. He bought it and went on his way to hang out with the guys. I wasted my time by staring out at sea.

By the time night came, I could see very far off an island. Even with my eagle like eyes, we were still very far from the island, so I could barely make it out. I sighed and slowly walked to where Sanji was. He was smiling and giggling. I should let him be for now. I'll say bye later. I went to my shared room with Sanji, and started packing my sewing supplies. It was all I had, so it was all I could pack.

Looking down at my cover, I picked it up. Butterfly. I heard Jackie's voice, my eyes filled with tears. I can't cry now, I'm close to having my adventure again. After I threw the last of the materials in a small bag, I grabbed the cover and held on to it. I walked out the door and headed to Sanji. It's time to go our separate ways.

I could see the island clearer now, it was still night, too. Perfect time to sneak onto an island. When I found Sanji, he looked tired. He is probably going to bed soon, I'll make this fast. Taking a breath for courage, I slowly walked to the boy. When he looked up and made eye contact with me he smiled. Then his eyes found the bag on my shoulder, he frowned.

He got up and walked towards me and gave me a hug. "You're leaving, aren't you?" He whispered sadly. "I am, I wanted to say bye." I told him. He backed up and told me to wait while he ran to the kitchen. I didn't have to wait long before he came back with a small lunch bag.

"You better stay safe, a-and come to visit me, okay?!" He was crying now. I nodded and wiped my own tears. "I promise I will see you again." I grabbed the lunch bag and gave him a small piece of my viver card. I started walking to the rails.

I stopped in my tracks. He really is a great friend. I'm going to miss him so much. I quickly turned around and ran to him, and without thinking, I gave him a quick peck on his cheek. I didn't give him time to process as I flew in the air towards the island.

This is a new chapter in my life! I can't wait.


I just realized I never made it clear what the cover was. 

The cover is what ever you want it to be. Like a long jacket, sweater, shirt, hoodie, dress, etc. Since Y/n is you.. its whatever you like!

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