35- Grand Adventure

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"While we are heading for everyone, I was wondering..." Nami said, calling my attention, "What happened to your wings earlier? They all of a sudden went black with electricity around them, like thunder clouds." I glanced over at her. She really is observant, "My father is a thunderbird. With his genes in me, my wings sort of save me from the electricity. And whatever that bright flash was, it definitely had electricity in it." She hummed.

It's strange, even with the knowledge of our bad predicament, the sound of the crushing waves, the rushing waver, and the hushing breeze. I almost felt calm. 

"So... does it hurt?" I snapped back to focus, looking over at the scowling girl on the waver. "What?" She glanced up at me, "When your wings turn like that? 'Cause they got bigger and electricity was in them and all," I give her a small smile. "Yeah, it feels kinda like growing pains when they grow, which is expected. My wings may not be bothered by it, but as I grow older, the electricity stings my back." Nami huffed, "I see them already. Let's speed up." She huffed again.

"Huh? Oh no... There's a whole group of people! I hope its not those guys from earlier." I focus on the new people's faces and clothes, "Don't worry about that, these guys are a new group," I inform the red head. "Whoever they are, I hope Luffy isn't pulling any of his usual stunts."

"We're back! Luffy, promise you won't give them any trouble!" Nami yelled out to our friends on shore. It was hard to hear, so they had to yell back, all the sounds from before making their voices small. What we both could hear was a number, "pay .... 7 million-Berries ... fines we got!"

"Oh good! So we can pay the fine and we're clear!" All of a sudden, Nami had a dark aura around her as some of her hair shadowed over her eyes. "... Did he say, seven million?" A shiver went down my spine as I slowly looked over at the girl, her foot pressed against the peddle all the way down. My eyes widened as I realized my fate.

Splish splash I was taking a bath. 

A large wave of the cloud ocean washed over me, sending me crashing into the cold ocean. Nami, I will get you back for this! It was a struggle to pull my head out from the water. Have I mentioned how annoying it is to swim with wings? It's like swimming with a weight on your back, like five grown men hanging onto you, and you have to carry their weight around.

And since the water makes the feathers spread, swimming in strokes usually means accidentally plucking a few feathers that got in the way. I doggy paddled until I was able to touch the floor, then I crawled. Now, it felt like 20 grown men and a baby were my extra weights. I huffed and puffed as I tried to catch my breath. Diving in and out is so much easier, I mean, at least then I still have a rush of energy. Right now, after being forced into the water, I felt exhausted. 

Can't everyone talk around me? Do I really have to go to them to hear the conversation?

"Fifth, huh? Could be worse," I heard Usopp say as I forced myself to walk over there. "That's not good at all! Once you're found guilty of a fifth degree crime, almighty Enel will banish you to the clouds." An eyebrow went up as I wrung my wings dry. "What's that? Being banished to the clouds sounds kinda fun!" Luffy thought out loud.

Conis had a deep frown, "It's a death sentence! You die!" My eyes widened. "We die?!" Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and I yelled in confusion and panic. By now, I was mostly dry. If only I had an extra pair of clothes... oh wait, I do in my bag!

"You got 'em good Nami. But come on, a death sentence in His Land? That is quite the contradiction," Zoro pointed out. The white beret wearing idiot being the one who was out cold. "But it's the truth! This is very serious. They'll put you and your ship on a cloud that you can't escape from, and you keep wondering until nothing but bones are left of you. It's a death penalty!" Conis explained. It was evident from her tone just how worried about us she was.

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