30 - Monkey D. Luffy

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Word that Blackbeard had attacked a winter island call Drum Island found its way to Ace and me. We had been looking for a couple of weeks for the man that disgraced Whitebeard's name but he always seemed to be a couple of steps ahead of us. Once we heard of the attack, we rushed to Drum Island to see if they had actually seen the man we were after.

Since the island was a winter island, I made both of us some coats. Ace's heat kept the snow away as we made our way through the hamlet known as Robelle Town. We split up and asked around for Blackbeard. He had in fact attacked the island but was now long gone.

When Ace and I grouped together again, we saw Luffy's poster in Ace's pocket. He had been asking at every island we went to if they had seen Luffy. I smirked as Ace asked, "Then let me ask you one more question. Has a pirate wearing a straw hat come here?" My smirk fell when then told us they didn't know anything.

I showed them the poster and gave it to them, "If this guy comes here..." Ace stared at them as I handed them the poster. They looked intimidated. "Tell him, that we'll wait for him in Alabasta for the next 10 days." I finished as I walked to Ace's side. He pointed to them then turned around, "Understand?" He asked as he waved them off, as he began to walk away.

"Hey! Wait! What are your names?" They asked as we walked off looking so cool. "Oh yeah... We forgot... My name is Ace." We turned around to face them again, the both of us looking cool. "Mine is Y/N. If you tell him that when he comes, he'll know who we are." With that we started to walk off again.

We looked super cool and mysterious until a random man yelled out, "Hey, someone please stop him! He just ate and skipped out on the bill!" I chuckled as Ace flinched and started to run, I ran after him. "Ahh! Well then, tell him okay? Thanks! Y/N why didn't you pay for me too?!" I laughed loudly.

With that we headed out to Alabasta. On the boat I cuddled up to Ace since I was absolutely freezing. Ace was still pouting about me not paying for him. Technically I did, just not for his dessert since that was not what I agreed to pay for. It's not my fault he ate a lot of dessert.

On Alabasta we looked around as we made our way around the island looking for any hints of Blackbeard. A week passed since we left Drum island and now we started looking in a town called Nanohana.

The heat felt nice on my skin and my wings so I didn't bother covering up too much, luckily my wings sort of looked like a shawl like what everyone wore. Ace walked around with no shirt. As we passed through crowded shopping streets. Every so often, the seamstress in me could not help but awe at the beautiful clothes that were being sold. The fabrics were gorgeous, I couldn't help myself, I had to buy a few.

As we passed someone called out to us, "Oh, youngsters! I haven't seen you before! Is this your first time in Alabasta?" We looked over as he held up a shiny gold apple. "Whadya say? Check out this solid gold apple!" He stepped in front of us, my Chikara showed me the men behind a curtain painting apples. "Hold on! Don't tell anyone, but this apple is an incredible treasure I found in some ancient ruins! It's said one bite of this magic gold apple will let you live 1000 years!"

I had to stifle a giggle at the ridiculous lie. "Sorry. I'm not interested in living a thousand years. I just need to live today." Ace replied calmly with a grin. "Sorry sir, but if I were to live that long, I would be forced to watch my friends and family age and die. It's a no for me," I said as I waved him off walking to catch up with Ace.

I could hear some people talking to him as if they were believing him. What kind of idiots would actually believe him?

As I caught up to Ace, he was asking an old gipsy lady if she had seen Luffy around. "Just a quick question. Have you seen this guy?" I gave her another poster of Luffy. "Huh? Monkey D. Luffy?" She read the posters name curiously.

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