32 - Strong for Somebody Else

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In the morning, Ace and I ate and then picked up some supplies. Unfortunately, we paid with money from my wallet. Our lizards ran off somewhere as Ace and I saw Luffy and his crew making their way here. We brought the supplies to them while calling for their attention.

"Great news, Luffy! We bought plenty of food and water!" Ace exclaimed while pointing towards the small sled carrying the items. "Oh, that's much appreciated! this should be more than enough to last us a good while! Y/N-chan you're amazing!" I smiled at his compliment. "Ace and Y/N are incredible..." Usopp muttered while looking over at the pile. "Sure are! Kind and thoughtful, unlike someone we know!" Nami pointed out while hopping off her camel. "You could say that again..." Usopp agreed.

"Thank you, I was so thirsty..." Chopper muttered. "Here, don't want you dehydrated now! Drink!" I told him while giving him and the others small bottles of waters. "Um, Ace-san, Y/N-chan? I assume you don't have the money for that. Whatever you did, please don't tell me you stole the supplies..." Vivi assumed while walking over to us.

"Nothing of the sort! Y/N payed!" Ace explained, "Yeah, no worries Vivi. I tend to charge people around me when fixing their clothes, so I always have a lot of money... that is until I started this little journey with Ace." I sent him a small glare, remembering how we had to spend most of the money on his stomach.

With that, the journey continued and we walked closer to Yuba. 

Somewhere along the way, Luffy drank too messily for Usopp's likings. I didn't pay too much attention until Sanji tornado-ed his way to me asking if I'd like some water. "No thank you Sanji," I told him as I showed him my own little water flask. He asked the other girls before Luffy and Usopp jumped him and they wrestled for the water.

Zoro asked Chopper if he wanted water so I asked Ace if he would like some. He drank some then we went to catch up with the girls who were a bit ahead now. While Vivi and Nami talked I chuckled as I watched the boys run around and wrestle for the water. At some point Ace slipped his hand into mine, I didn'that mind though. 

Sooner or later, the boys realized that while they were fighting for the water, it slowly spilt until there was nothing left. They probably would have gotten into another fight if not for the weird purple stinger that popped out the sand. Luffy, being Luffy, crouched down next to it and decided it was smart to poke it. Why? I don't know.

Turns out, the stinger belonged to a scorpion that was very much alive. Ace and I watched with grins as the boys, other that Usopp, fought and killed the scorpion. I chuckled a little watching Usopp scream and stare at the scene. 

I smiled as Sanji turned the creature into a meal, he delivered me some of the food before running to the girls on Lashes the camel. They screamed when they saw the claw he held up. The food was so good, we were able to eat til we were full. 

"You guys are a bunch of inconsiderate jerks!" Nami yelled at us before telling Lashes to move. "Woah, what is she so angry about?" Luffy muttered. All of us except Ace said, "Beats me."

After a while, we stopped at a group of rocks to eat. I felt the presence of a man some way away but he didn't seem strong so I didn't bother telling anyone as we ate, me under Ace. It didn't take long for Luffy and Usopp to finish their food and complain to Sanji. I laughed as I watched them get kicked in the face by the blonde. I laughed even harder when Zoro started scolding the straw hat wearing boy for stealing his food.

Once I caught my breath from laughing so hard, I crawled over to Zoro who was bullying the rubber boy. However, before I could say anything, Nami came over and knocked them on the head. I laughed again, rolling on the ground as Nami sighed in annoyance towards the boys. As she scolded them, I noticed a piece of meat lifting into the air.

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