8 - I'm Not Okay

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Gore, blood

We were walking by the port, Barto-Mayo said that the place isn't to far from here. Which is a good thing since the weather was really starting to get bad. The waves were already harsh and the sky was consumed in the darkness that thunderclouds bring. 

As we were walking, we could hear some talking. When we turned a corner, I saw Smoker-san talking to a blue haired girl with glasses. There was something about her not being old enough for the Navy. I didn't really care about her though. As he was walking away, I told Barto-Mayo and Desire to wait a second so I could give him the jacket I made for him. "Y/N, you know him?" I nodded as I grabbed the very neatly folded jacket from my bag. "Well, could you be fast about it? Because of what our families do, he doesn't really like us." I frowned but agreed. 

I walked to him with a hop in my step, he was right next to water so I did have to be careful with my steps. With the storm coming the sea has become aggressive and was splashing Smoker-san's feet. I was almost to him when my Chikara went off, someone was running straight towards Smoker-san. Looking in that direction, a sketchy looking man ran straight to Smoker-san. In my spot, I watched as this man ran into Smoker-san pushing him into the blustering  waves. My eyes widened as I dropped the jacket. Some people started to gather and I heard someone say he couldn't swim. 

My heart dropped when I saw his hand sink beneath the turbulent waves. Without thinking I spread my wings, tearing my clothing layers. I jumped high in the sky and dove into the wild water. I'm a bird, I'm great at diving. I grabbed his hands and kicked my feet to pull him up. The waves ended up pushing us a bit away from the edge so I pulled Smoker-san close to me and flapped my wings pushing us out of the water and onto the port. By now many people were gathered and watching. I looked up at the people, my body was cold and wet. My wings were exposed and looked like a dark red now that they were wet. 

A wave went up and splashed Smoker-san and I. I looked at him and was about to try to help him when someone ran up to us and kicked me in the side away from him. A yelped escaped my lips. "G-Get away from the Sargent, you... you... Beast!" The same man yelled. He bent down and started pushing the soaked man's chest. 

"What is it?" "A devil? A monster? A beast?" "Will it eat us?" "Someone, quick! Kill it! Before it kills us!" Murmurs from the crowd stabbed me. Their words hurt me. Their stares judge me. What did I do wrong? I look around at the crowd and slowly crawl backwards.

A rock landed in front of me. Then my Chikara warned me of more rocks. Unfortunately, my Chikara is slow. One after another, rocks were thrown at me. They were small but from strong  throws. I screamed in pain when one rock hit a bone in my wing. My eyes were squeezed shut as I threw my hands over my head to protect me even a little.

"Stop! Don't hurt her!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up, blood was splattered around me. Green and red hair was running to me only to be held back by the arms of adults. "Look! She hypnotized these children! If we don't kill her, she'll hypnotize your children too and eat them!" One man accused. Women and men gasped and started throwing bigger rocks harder at me.

They hurt! Please, stop! I won't eat anyone, I promise! Let me go, please! What did I do wrong?! Why do you hate me so much?! I promise, I'm not a beast! Stop it! Stop It! It hurts! Bartolomeo, Desire... Do you hate me too? Are you scared of me too? I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. I was scared you would hate me if you found out. Was I right? Does Smoker-san hate me too? Do y'all regret meeting me? Jackie, help me. I-... I want to go home!

The words I wanted to say never made it out, instead all that came from my mouth were screams and whimpers, moans and cries, pain and sadness. My vision was blurred, what I could see, were the bloody stones under me and black spots indicating I was passing out. The loud accusatory words were muffled and I felt my body falling to the floor. 

The rocks slowed and came to a stop. By then, my eyes closed and my body laid limp on the cold wet floor. Now that I have a second, I can now feel rain drop down. No wonder why I'm so cold. Just at that thought I felt large strong arms wrap around me and pick me up. These arms pulled my wings and I let out a whimper. The arms became gentler. It didn't matter now though, the dark spots that I saw became one giant darkness that gave me a sense of peace that I wanted and needed during this whole experience. 

For the first time since I ran from home, I desperately wanted to go home.

(Smoker's POV)

It was the fifth time this week. Tashigi really never gives up on asking to join the Navy. I was just about to excuse myself when I felt something run into my side. Next thing I knew, I was cold, wet and unable to move. Water rushed into my lungs as panic started to settle in. Before I closed my eyes I saw blurry red, h/c, and s/c (hair and skin) coming to me. I didn't feet relief because my eyes were so heavy, that is until I felt this mystery person pull me. 

Screaming and whimpering filled my ears when I felt myself coming forth. I spat out the water that had previously filled my lungs. When my eye came to focus, I noticed a child with wings being stoned. She was screaming and crying, covered in blood that was slowly being washed away by the rain that was starting. My eyes widened when I realized just who this kid is, the same person who saved me, Y/N. As quickly as my body allowed, I rushed to her body. My devil fruit blocked incoming rocks and stones. The poor girl looked almost dead.

My face felt heat, my blood boiled. I glared at the men and women in front of me. "How could you people stone the girl who saved my life?! Can't you see she's a child?! How low can you people be to stone a child who's done nothing wrong, but in fact save a life?!" I hollered at them. I saw two kids crying and push past the circle of adults and run towards us. I recognize them from the local Mafia family. The green haired kid knelt in front of her crying, he looked scared to touch her. Scared that if he touched her, her condition would worsen. The red haired girl stood behind the green haired kid, holding a wet white jacket in her hands close to her chest. She was also crying.

"Sargent Smoker-san, we don't know what it is! It could be a threat to our children!" Someone shouted. "SHE is not a threat to anyone! The only danger here, are you cruel people!" I barked back, I bent down to pick her up. The green haired kid pointed a knife at me when I reached out to grab her. "Don't touch her!" He glared daggers at me with tear filled eyes. "Don't hurt her anymore!" His knife wobbled with his sobs. "I just want to help her," he was convinced and let me pick up the poor girl up. When she whimpered, I tried to be more careful of her wings. 

Before I could walk off, the crying girl held the jacket to me. "She wanted to give this to you." She grumbled. She didn't dare to look up at me. I grabbed the nicely sewn jacket and threw it over my shoulder as I walked to the office. 

When I got to the office the captain told me to put "it" in a cell. I would have resisted since she is a child, but a cell alone is probably the safest place for the girl. No one would be able to get to her or harm her. I grabbed a jacket that I don't use and layed it under her head. I asked the doctors and nurses stationed in the base if they would treat her but they were all scared and refused. All these medical supplies and no one has the guts to help the kid. Pathetic. 

Unfortunately, my medical skills aren't the best so her bandages were very poor. And I never meet anyone who can wrap bird wings on a human child. The poor girl is going to wake up in a lot of pain. Before I left the office to wash up, an idea came to mind. Maybe he can help, I'll call him now!

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