24 - Control

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Am I really ready for the Dark Phoenix? 

The same thought crossed my mind all throughout the rest of my birthday and the night. Back when I still lived with my parents, my dad would always tell us a bedtime story about just how strong the power of the Dark Phoenix is. At times during campfire stories, he would tell us about the Dark Phoenix and about it's terrifying power. 

The legend is that the Dark Phoenix was created because a very dark ruler wanted the power of the Phoenix. This ruler thought he could control her according to his will. Using his power of darkness, he combined it with a legendary weapon and struck the Phoenix. Once the darkness took over, the Phoenix was able to easily defeat the dark ruler but at the cost of control. Even though the people celebrated the victory against the dark ruler, the Phoenix turned against the people. It wasn't until she was struck by another legendary weapon that she calmed down and was able to regain her control.

The people didn't blame her for the destruction, but she felt so horrible about it that she locked herself away until the end of her life. 

She wasn't the only one to have turned, it happened again many years later. The thing is, the weapon that was used to turn each Phoenix dark was the dagger my dad gave me a long time ago. The very same one I happened to lose when Germa 66 took me. I would have to call dad to see if I can actually do this without the dagger.

I told all of this to Mihawk during our ride back to the castle. He told me to call dad either before bed or in the morning. And since that question ran through my mind all throughout the night, I barely got any sleep. 

Right now, I stare back at the tired looking girl in the mirror. She had bags under her eyes, slightly bigger than the usual small bags. Around her neck laid the small silver pendent that held some answers. I look really bad, I sighed. 

Grabbing the necklace, I popped it open and grabbed one of the two small papers it held, the one that did not move. After stuffing the moving paper back in the necklace, I sat on my bed and grabbed the Transponder Snail Mihawk let me use. 

Reluctantly I typed the number and let the snail ring. I haven't spoken to or seen my parents since I left. I hope they still care about me.

The ringing stopped.

"Hello? Who is this?" The voice of my father came through the snail. My eyes watered. "How did you get this number?" He continued to question. I chuckled lightly.

"You gave it to me, remember?" I finally answered. It was silent, the snail had a shocked face, then it's eyes watered. "Y/N?" I nodded even though he couldn't see it. "Yeah, it's me, Y/N..." My voiced wavered. 

For a second all I could hear was sniffles and cries, I couldn't help but to do the same. "D-Do you need help? Where are you? I don't mind going to help you. Y/N.... we've missed you," his quivering voice struck me. "Dad... I've missed you too, and our family. But um, *sniffle*, I wanted to ask you something..." I took a deep breath.

"I want to try the Dark Phoenix, but I lost the dagger some years ago because of an... incident. Is there a way I can still do it without the dagger?" The voice on the other end froze. The snail showing a shocked then excited face. 

"Yes! I kinda thought you might lose it, since you were so young. So, I gave you the pieces of the dagger that have been chipped off for it's design. That necklace I gave you, is made from that dagger. All you need to do is draw some blood onto it in the dark.

"But Y/N, you need to understand that if you are not properly prepared for this power you could die. Make sure someone with a legendary or rare weapon can stop you if things get out of control. We eagles believe that the Dark Phoenix can be mastered, and I think you will be the one to do it. And no, I'm not being biased towards you, my daughter."

Phoenix One Piece x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora