10 - Pirate?

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"Smoker-san, I trust you, I really do but... Do I have to go with this tall intimidating guy?!" I yelled from behind Smoker-san's leg. The man in front of him looked at me like I just said the funniest thing ever. His laugh was so loud. "BWA HAHAHA! You're a funny kid!" I pulled my wings in close to my back and clung onto Smoker-san's pants.

Earlier, after I apologized to Smoker-san, I had ran out of the cell to grab some bandages for him. In the middle of bandaging him, a man claiming to be Smoker-san's 'friend' came. With his height he towered over me, to my tiny eight year old body he looked like a mountain. Yes, Smoker-san was also tall but this man, towered over even him. That mere fact got me frightened of this man.

"Y/N, this is Garp. He is a vice admiral of the navy and he will be the one taking you. Please give him a chance." He said with a sigh as I stared at the man in front of me. I guess he got tired of me clinging on to his leg because next thing I knew, Smoker-san picked me up by the back of my shirt and was handing me over to this 'Garp' guy. "W-Wait! I didn't give consent to this! This is kidnapping!" My previous injuries were out of my mind now. My main goal was to escape this man. 

By the time Garp-san had made it back to his ship, I was still wiggling around screaming Bloody Mary. Smoker-san sighed at my thrashing, "Kid, you said you would trust me." His deep voice sounded like an annoyed older brother. "I did, and I do! But you're not the one kidnapping me right now!" What annoyed me was that Garp-san was laughing at my squirming the entire time.

"Y/N! Crap, I got here too late. Navy ba-" The voice of a green haired boy pushed through the crowd that had formed. "Barto-Mayo! Help! They're kidnapping me!" I cried out from the navy ship as Barto-Mayo ran as fast as he could to the ramp connecting to the ship. For some reason, Smoker-san held him back. "Y/N!  Let me go you bas-" Bartolomeo cursed as he tried to help me. 

When Garp-san put me down on my own feet, we had a stare down for a good two minutes. Then I turned around and tried to fly off. I probably got 10 feet in the air when Garp-san grabbed my ankle like it was nothing. How is it humanly possible for him to be like nine feet?! 

Garp pulled me back to the deck of the ship, I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. "Why are you so darn tall?" I questioned. He laughed and sat down in front of me with a loud thud. "You want a rice cracker?" He asked and handed me the cookie shaped cracker. "Sure," I took it. "That doesn't answer my question!!" I yelled at him with sharp teeth while stuffing the cracker in my mouth. "BWA HAHAHA! So you don't want more?" He laughed loudly and shook a bag of rice crackers in his hand. My cheeks flushed as I mumbled an "I do want more." He laughed some more while giving me the crackers. 

"Do you still consider me your kidnapper?" He asked with a smile. "Yes," I deadpanned and he snatched the crackers from my hand. "Hey!" He laughed again. "BWAHAHAHA! I don't share food with someone who is my prisoner!" I glared at him with sharp teeth, "Just let me eat them!" He laughed again. Then I got an idea. "But, it's my birthday... Can I have some, please?" We made eye contact and I gave him puppy eyes. "No." I got a tick mark as I yelled at him. "Why not?!" 

"Dawn Island?" The tall marine had been telling me about the island that we were going to. Even though Smoker-san said Garp-san was going to take care of me, Garp-san said he was going to leave me with someone he knows. What a great caretaker. "Yep, my grandsons live there. We'll get there soon." I looked out at sea and with my keen eagle eyes and saw the shadow of the island in the distance. 

"Oh, I see it." Garp-san stopped eating his crackers and looked where I was looking. He squinted his eyes, "Eh? I don't see it, how can you-" I interrupted his question with a proud smile and spread out wings. "I'm a Phoenix! We birds have great eyes!" I rubbed my finger under my nose with pride in my people. Garp-san smiled down at me and gave me a rice cracker, which I gladly accepted. "By the way, brat, happy birthday."

I miss Jackie. He at least let me sleep in the captain's quarters so I would be comfortable. But not Geezer-san (Garp-san). And there were no left over hammocks with the crew. Since I'm still injured and very sleepy, I decided I would head to bed before everyone. That darn old geezer said that since I'm part bird I should be accustomed to sleeping outside.  How rude of him to not let me even borrow his bed.

After saying goodnight to Geezer-san, I flew up to the crows nest and feel asleep very quickly. It felt like I slept for a good five minutes before Geezer-san's annoying voice woke me from my glorious sleep. "Oi, brat! We're here! Get up so I can take you to them!" I got a tick mark and covered my face with a wing. I was using my wings as a blanket so all I did was move it up.

The next thing I knew a fist covered with Chikara was headed towards me

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The next thing I knew a fist covered with Chikara was headed towards me. I moved as fast as I could to escape the punch. "FIST OF LOVE!" The place where I had been sleeping was now destroyed with a hole replacing it. "Are you trying to kill me?!" Safe to say, I am no longer in need of wonderful sleep. 

Geezer-san carried me by the back of my shirt and carried me onto the island. Since I was now upset at Geezer-san, I decided I would silently scheme on how to sneak away from the man. Once we left the village and entered the forest I immediately flew away from Geezer-san. I flew fast and hid my Chikara. If this man can use Chikara then I'm in trouble. Once I was far enough, I looked in the direction of where I left Geezer-san and he was gone. I guess he walked away. Looking in other directions, I decided to fly around mindlessly with my Chikara hidden. 

After flying around I found a house hidden by mountains and trees. I was about to approach it because the smell of food was delicious, then I saw Geezer-san. He keeps ruining things! I watched as he walked and fell into a hole. My hands clamped over my mouth as I almost burst out laughing. If I did that then my Chikara would probably slip and he would know I'm here. 

I flew a little closer to the house. Since looking into a strangers house is rude and kind of weird, I turned around before I saw him enter the house. Big mistake. Next thing I knew I was lifted into the air by the back of my shirt by none other than Geezer-san. "H-Hey! How did you know I was here?!" I questioned him while flailing around. He laughed and brought me into the house. I was starting to feel anxious since normal people seemed to not like me. 

Inside, a blond boy with a top hat said "... when I go out to sea!" My ears perked up as my thrashing around came to a stop to look around. "I'm going to be a pirate before you do so just forget it." A black haired boy in an orange shirt said. Pirate? Like Jackie? 

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