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Red hair I know all to well brushes my arm as temperance falls into my embrace

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Red hair I know all to well brushes my arm as temperance falls into my embrace.

I'm supposed to be staying away from her. Far away.

But I can't.

I'm drawn to her. I always have been and probably always will be.

When we were kids there wasn't a time I remember where I wasn't thinking about her.

My little lisa.

Im not supposed to be calling her that anymore either but I still find myself saying, "Where were you off to in such a hurry little lisa?"

She obviously dosent like that cause she rolls her eyes in the most obvious way possible.

"I told you not to call me that." She pauses and looks down at the position we're still in. "And get your hands off me asshat."

She struggles in my hold but I still refuse. "No can do little fox."

"Yeah," she arches a brow. "And whys that?"

I smirk. "Cause if I do you'll fall on your ass."

"How about you refrain yourself from thinking about my ass and let me go. I can't be late to class."

I look around. "By the looks of it you already are. But if you really want me to let you go then..."

With that I let her go and she lands flat on her but.

She rubs her ass as she mumble a few insults towards me.

Consisting of the words: Asshat, Asshole, and my personal favorite motherfucker.

Once she scrambles up off the floor and picks up her things, she immediately rushes towards her next class.

"See you at the meeting little fox!" I shout across the hall and start off to my next class.


At lunch me and the boys sit at our usual table and so do the girls.

We agreed that was the best idea.

To only talk to each other the usual amount at school in Oder to not draw any attention to us.

The stalker could be anyone and anywhere. Even at school.

The boys chatter around me in usual fashion.

Asher complains that we don't pay enough attention to how amazing he is. Cade grumbles the usual 'that's because you annoy the hell out of us.'

And they all start bickering and laughing. But this time I don't join in.

I'm too busy staring at Temperance like a creep.

Her vibrant red hair is blocking most of her face as she talks to the rest of the girls.

They must say something funny because the most beautiful smile I've ever seen breaks out in her face and her shoulders shake as she laughs uncontrollably.

Their tables not far so her laugh travels over to our table, a smile touches my lips and my dick twitches a little from hearing my favorite sound.

Cade must notice my staring because he gives me his know it all look.

I'm about to say it's not what it looks like when all laughter dies down between the two tables and dinging sound follows the silence.

All of our heads snap up and we all look in each other's directions.

Everyone pulls out their phones as well as me and I read the text.

UNKNOWN: I trust that you all haven't figured out what your parents did when they were younger. The Same age as you if I recall correctly. But you better find out soon. Times ticking and a clock waits for no one.

Until next time,

Everyone stands abruptly, definitely not subtly and walks out of the cafeteria.

I pray that one notices.

We'll all step into the empty classroom and lock the door behind us.

I don't miss how Temperance stands as far away as possible from me.

But I try to ignore it and say, "So it looks like we're having our meeting right now then."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"So let's cut to the chase because quite frankly I don't want to be here all day." Asher's the one who speaks next.

"Does anyone have I tell on our parents yet? If so it would be really helpful because as the stalker said the clocks ticking as without any information how are we going to figure out who the stalker is and what they want." Will pauses.

"Especially considering the fact that Cade got stabbed and Silas also got attacked the other night."

I wince at the memory.

Everyone says no. Except for Birdie.

I notice how Birdie shifts closer to Cade and looks up at him.

He gives her a reassuring nod and a soft smile I have never seen appear on his face before in the 9 years I've known him.

What the hell is happening?

My question is answered when I hear Birdies small voice speak, "I may have something useful."

"Go on." Temp says in a reassuring tone and smiles.

"I don't know if it's super important but I overheard my mom on the phone yesterday talking to some guy named Daren. She said something about a secret and how me or 'the kids.'" She puts air quotes around the word the kids.

"-Can't find out and if I did it would be bad for them and us."

The room goes silent.

What kids was her mother talking about?

And why would it bad for us and them if we found out this secret?


Hayven's  chapter next!

I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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